Skp converter
If i hate something, then a loss of data. Sketchup 8 is and rests really unstable on my mac, and i don't know why. (Even with the newer build, M2)
My libraries are well sorted (materials, components, plugins) also because i don't like to lost myself in dozens of unnecessary add-ons.So i downgraded back to version 7 which i'm still using on a older mac, and it runs very well on both macs. The problem i'm facing now is my components library: a lot of these components are readable only from Su 8.
I'd need a batch-converter to downgrade these by one version to version 7. If i convert these one by one, i'll become mad.
Help is needed! -
you can use Automator to convert an entire folder using Sketchup v8 to 'Save as' >> Sketchup7 "*.skp".
I'd use finder actions to navigate to the folders and a watch me do for the SU 'Save as' bit.
I don't think you can convert them using ruby.
Could it be graphic card issue? Newer versions of SU might required newer hardware. Might be why you experience worse stability.
Though, as I understand it, under OSX it's not that easy to upgrade drivers. You're at the mercy of Apple. And it could even be the hardware itself...
thanks for the tips,
i'll try it; sounds good.ThomThom
i think in my case its not a graphic-related issue, also because my imac runs Snow leo, the predecessor of the newer OS running on macs today, lion. Although, i saw sometimes some strange things happen in Su 8. Like the pencil-pointer changing in a silly white square, after a lot of time working with complex models. You lost the snap precision.
But the info-panel is super buggy. Sometimes this window collapses so bad, that the infos in it get unreadable. A minor problem, but. I need these infos.
I collected some favorite rubies three folders deep into the main resource folder like: Sketchup/Tools/Scripts/A (B,C,…) maybe this is a cause whose can crash my Su application. I mean, if some scripts are nested to deeply OR the reference input/the communication between su and the nested rubies isn't well written. Maybe its nothing, but i don't know a lot of ruby language and his weak points. -
For the 'Enity Info' problems I found that deleting all of these settings then restarting worked.
easiest done in 'TextWrangler' or similar... johnOpen 'Sketchup'
Close 'Entity Info'
Close 'Sketchup'
Open Path: ~/Library/Preferences/
Delete ALL of these [your setting my vary]<key>Entity Info_frame</key> <string>1620 950 300 134 0 0 1920 1178 </string> <key>Entity Info_state</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>Entity Info_viewsize</key> <string>300, 118</string>
Save changes
Close '.plist'
Open 'Sketchup'
Open 'Entity Info' -
thanks for your valuable infos, driven