Chop a car roof??
How would you cut a section out of a car roof so that the remaining two sections will still line up> Yes, I want to chop the roof...
Thank you for any help
Hi 3eighty, hi folks.
How are you going to chop ?
Are you planning to remove a longitudinal slice, a transversal slice or a vertical slice ?
Please give more details or post a picture showing the intended choping action.
Just ideas.
Hey guys!
If you are talking about chopping a car in sketchup, you could very well use Scale tool as you can see in this image.
You need to select the geometry of the DLO(day light opening) and scale it down. This is the fastest way! You will probably have to rotate a bit the selected parts,because the extremities are not leveled .
Hope it helps!
A thank you to both of you for a quick response. I will try the scale tool and see how that works out. That is an example of exactly what I want to do Jean....