Preparing VIew..
I m designing a township in SU, and i need a reference image on the background to adjust my view accordingly. Is this facility available in SU if yes how?? I dont want to create a plane and give a map to it..i want entire background of that image..that should be seen even i change my view.. if someone is using 3ds Max..the same facility is available in that..
Also I would like to know how to mirror the object ..and does SU have some kind of concept like Xref ?? if yes then how to use it..
Please Help..
Background image can be set up using Styles.
No automatic Xref, but you could use rclick menus for component : Reload.
In addition to right clicking to update a component, you can also save a component to its own sketchup file. You can then have multiple versions of this component and load in the one you want. It also allows multiple people to work on a project at the same time. You can flip a component along its x, y or z axis to accomplish a mirror.