Free Energy Breakthrough
I cant see anything about the orion project that is any different from the thousands of other people who have claimed to be able to produce free/cheap energy.
As for the first link: no comment.
I meant it to mean "you have a good idea how i feel about conspiracy theories in general and i dont want to start a full blown debate a la the 9/11 thread" altohugh that obviously didnt come across.
I think the link you posted to the orion project looks a lot less convincing than this Irish company called Steorn that is currently letting scientists examine their free energy system called Orbo. Its based on micromagnetism and was discovered pretty much by accident.
I've been following this for a year and a half and as far as I can tell it seems pretty convincing. -
Jan, didnt steorn say they were going to give a working demo many months ago?
Steorn - Informasi Teknologi Terkini dan Terbaru
Steorn merupakan situs yang memberikan Informasi teknologi terbaru dan terupdate
Steorn - Informasi Teknologi Terkini dan Terbaru (
Lets just wait until the scientists have made their report.
Hi Guys,
I've read what Dr. Greer says and I also watched his video.
I quite like the idea he has come up with which allows
an ordinary Joe Soap like me to get involved in helping
along these new and innovation free energy projects.I notice that the last couple of posts on this thread have
mentioned the Steorn project and the problems it is having
with the prototype. I just wonder if a strong Orion Project
had been in place at the time the Steorn project started up
would we be looking at a different case!I've read about free energy inventions being suppressed but
have doubts about these claims. Patents are open to the
public and I imagine a person coming up with a good idea
would firstly patent the idea. I simply believe that if there
was a fantastic invention that would solve all our energy needs
sitting in a patents office somewhere in the World we would
all know about it.I would be inclined to at least make a small donation to the
Orion Project and keep up to date, via their newsletter, on
the emerging claims in relation to free energy and hope that
some day one of these claims would be real.Mike
Mike, im not sure aobut other patent organisations, but the UK patent office wont award a patent for a perpetual motion machine (basically what these projects are) without a full working prototype. Obviously not a problem if you do have a working prototype but quite problematic for developing technologies i imagine.
@remus said:
Mike, im not sure aobut other patent organisations, but the UK patent office wont award a patent for a perpetual motion machine (basically what these projects are) without a full working prototype. Obviously not a problem if you do have a working prototype but quite problematic for developing technologies i imagine.
I think the American patent system does not have that limitation, they often give patents to things that won't work.
@unknownuser said:
Mike, im not sure aobut other patent organisations, but the UK patent office wont award a patent for a perpetual motion machine (basically what these projects are) without a full working prototype.
Are you sure about this? As I understand it there are patents for some things that don't work yet but might work in the future. For instance, there are several uk patents for baldness cures that involve the use of beta carotene, because there is a theory that regularly taking beta carotene reduces hair loss. But nobody has actually made a formulation that is a proven baldness cure. But they can patent a vague formula that includes beta carotene so that if somebody else does come up with a working formula using beta carotene (if ever) they can say "we patented that first".
Software programming is the same. Greedy software companies can copyright a bit of sourcecode that they can see could be useful as part of an as yet undeveloped application. Then they just sit on it until somebody develops an app that is reliant on that code so that they can claim intellectual property rights.
Im pretty sure jon, although i tihnk it is just for perpetual motion machines.
"Cold fusion rears its head as 'E-Cat' research promises to change the world"[url=]I Believe in the E-Cat - YouTube[/url:1m8om9hh]
by TomAndDougDotCom[flash=480,385:1m8om9hh][/flash:1m8om9hh]
Best thing to do is wait till later this month for the BIG reveal.
I want to believe it's real, but fear if it is he is dead quick and his invention dissapear as he will in one stroke solve fossil fuel dependancy, eliminate terrorism (no oil no money), solve the CO2 dilema and win the Nobel prize not forgetting killing many multi billion dollar businesses.
The E-Cat looks really interesting. As Prof. Josephson points out, there's simply no way you can get anywhere near that many Megawatts of energy out of that small a volume by any known chemical means, so it has to be some kind of nuclear reaction...or some other process involving physics of which we are totally unaware.
It appears that the measurement of energy in vs energy out is just schoolboy physics. The only part of the apparatus that is not open to scrutiny is the catalyst device itself, but even if the whole thing was some kind of hoax and the catalyst turned out to be just some kind of advanced energy cell (ie a very compact, fully-charged battery), that would still involve a chemical process, therefore be incapable of producing the measured output of energy.
I hope it's true, but even if it is, it won't mean the end of the oil least not for quite some time. Sure we could all switch to electric vehicles faster than previously thought and use it for HVAC and industry, but electric airplanes are still a long way off...and we'll still need the stuff for quite some time for large scale plastics manufacture and for spreading on the roads.
Andrea Rossi Ecat Test Bologna October 6 - YouTube
by Ecatdotcom[flash=480,385:3pdmnepo][/flash:3pdmnepo]
Andrea Rossi's one-megawatt-capable E-Cat cold fusion device has been tested in Bologna, Italy; and the unknown customer, who ran the test, is apparently happy.
There were some issues, so it couldn't be run at full power in self-looped mode, but what it did do was plenty impressive.
It ran for 5.5 hours producing 470 kW, while in self-looped mode. That means no substantial external energy was required to make it run, because it kept itself running, even while producing an excess of nearly half a megawatt.
Andrea Rossi says: "Yes It's a Breakthrough". E-Cat 1 MW Unit Test, October 28, 2011 - YouTube
by PESNetwork[flash=480,385:2fhmryc2][/flash:2fhmryc2]
A walk-around of Andrea Rossi's one megawatt E-cat cold fusion unit during the test of its operation on October 28, 2011 in Bologna. U starts and ends with radiators
A brief walk along the building and into the building where people were waiting for their turn to see the unit.
October 28 2011 Test of the 1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device by Andrea Rossi.mpg - YouTube
by PESNetwork[flash=480,385:2fhmryc2][/flash:2fhmryc2]
I really wish him success. I hope it won't be blocked, although I am perfectly aware that it can be.
It is such a great achievement. Real breakthrough. It is not a mere "hey people, I have 1.001 COP here". -
I have found an uplifting song from Elevate
Why do "we" spend so much on wars, while so many bright ideas scream for a support?OCCUPY FREE ENERGY - Luminaries ft. Aishah - YouTube
by elevate[flash=480,385:gvpiy3tm][/flash:gvpiy3tm]
@unknownuser said:
What would happen if we could generate power from our windowpanes? In this moving talk, entrepreneur Justin Hall-Tipping shows the materials that could make that possible, and how questioning our notion of 'normal' can lead to extraordinary breakthroughs.
Leonardo Corporation (Andrea Rossi) starts the E-Cat dedicated website.
They are working on 5 Kilowatt Home Heating version. -
Swedish TV has produced a well balanced documentary about Rossis Ecat.
It presents the invention from a perspective of skeptics and also those who are convinced that it is a source of a new energy.SVT Documentary Andrea Rossis Ecat - YouTube
Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All
Released paper "Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device" said:
… if we consider the whole volume of the reactor core and the most conservative figures on energy production, we still get a value of (7.93 ± 0.8) 10^2 MJ/Liter that is one order of magnitude higher than any conventional source.
Sounds like there could be something on this... certainly this will trigger some further studies. There is still too much uncertain on this - for example the way how the experiment was arranged.