Gothic Cathedral completed
Thanks for the heads-up. The URL has been corrected as has the version (I checked this time in the "Model info" dialog). Good rendering to you ... -
Nice model. Thanks for sharing.
@tomislavm said:
My God,how long did You need to render this movie?
Is there any suggestion for that render?First answer: set it up and go on vacation while it renders. Actually took about 2-1/2 days because it hung about 2/3 of the way through and I had to start and splice from there to finish.
Second answer: I deffinitely suggest not using approximation of "tween" frames, which is one of the options of Kerky animation - while it probably saves time, you get that blinking of transmitted light on and off seen in the video. I used PM medium AA for the renderings which seems good enough for the video mode. Used Virtual Dub (free) for the assembly and recommend you study the "frame ripping" info to avoid the horizontal tearing of image frames I sometimes got. It is a conflict between the different scan rates (I think) of the movie and crt/computer/other devices).There are also plug-ins you can activate as filters on the raw images and advise figuring out how to activate them as one of them allows contrast/brightness adjustment and many others I know nothing about.
I know this sure as hell beats Sketchup's native animation feature for smoothness and AA function. And lastly the use of key-frames is useful for editing out stuff. I didn't use it and got the frame jumps twice when I removed unwanted frames and spliced.
Like I said before, this is my first real attempt at movie making and may we all learn from it.
Thanks for the input. -
TOP 12 for our Sketchup Vray artists October Challenge using this GOthic Cathedral
SVA October Challenge Top 12
Last October SketchUp Vray Artists Facebook Group had organized a challenge using Al Klagge's Gothic Cathedral. Here are the top 12 selected...
@nomeradona said:
TOP 12 for our Sketchup Vray artists October Challenge using this GOthic Cathedral html
Nomer these are just fantastic and I would like to ask permission to upload all 50 to the Picassa web site I used for my renderings in a folder "Renderings by Others" and give credit to each (and the link as well). Is this OK?
Good work everyone. -
@unknownuser said:
@nomeradona said:
TOP 12 for our Sketchup Vray artists October Challenge using this GOthic Cathedral html
Nomer these are just fantastic and I would like to ask permission to upload all 50 to the Picassa web site I used for my renderings in a folder "Renderings by Others" and give credit to each (and the link as well). Is this OK?
Good work everyone.
sure do it. we owe also these thing from you. -
@unknownuser said:
@nomeradona said:
TOP 12 for our Sketchup Vray artists October Challenge using this GOthic Cathedral html
Nomer these are just fantastic and I would like to ask permission to upload all 50 to the Picassa web site I used for my renderings in a folder "Renderings by Others" and give credit to each (and the link as well). Is this OK?
Good work honor of you. can you please make one choice. we will name it Author Al Klagge's choice. so please tell me which one you like most.
" honor of you. can you please make one choice. we will name it Author Al Klagge's choice. so please tell me which one you like most.
This is very difficult as so many are deserving of special note: but I choose this imaginative rendering by Mendra Ha:
Thanks Klog. And here are the winners
Thanks nomer. Thanks for putting this together. Very beautiful work by all.
This model (and some of the renders)should be featured as "most impressive SU modelling".
Thanks Peter. I would be honored to make the "best" list ...