Princesse Lillia by Kargall + tut + music!
Nice! Pretty intense shot, thanks for the "I used this to do that" shot
very cool !!
thank you very much , glad you like this picture .
wow supercool!!
There are some true artist out there and you my friend seem to be among them!
awesome..... you are mad
Symmetry! Too much for my taste.
SU work in modeling seems so frozen... Its not working with background. A 3dcoat oriented convert could work better.
I admire Kargall's 3d art, please don't misunderstand me. -
This is similar to what happens to me when I eat spicy food just before going to bed
A very smart music reader!
Epic music by PHREY (a French musical touch!Image by Kargall
In a word... Wow That's art!
this is trully art.. can't even say a word about it.. just and
it's open new knowledge on how useful sketchup is.
salute to the artist..regards,