Any advanced tutorial suggestion?
sorry about that
... the thing you said about organic modeling is closer to what I want... the exact thing that I want is the advance usage of any tools in SU. for example "follow me"...There is a simple way of use and a complex and kind of tricky way of use(that isnt kind of obvious and far from mind)...Im looking for the 2nd one. I hope that was clear
video Ive seen( Ive seen George maestri tutorial)
reading: about 10 articles about essentials for SU.Tips and tricks.Have read from Bonnie roskes and some other things... I want more -
So you want to learn more. Which is OK
Have you decided on a specific model? Because no one can really know what you´re trying to do or what went wrong without first knowing everything you did. So posting a screenshot or a model might be a good idea.
As for organic won´t get far with SU native tools. There is a organic modeling subforum here where you can find more information about techniques and tools needed.
Could you please post the link to the tutorial which deals with using the Follow me tool in a way that is "far from mind"? -
No No... I didnt mean I know the "far from mind".. I meant as I was learning I learned something that I woudlnt learn naturally(Now its usual) so I was wondering if there something like this...something like tricky using or whatever... actually I was waiting to learn more then make something... and I didnt mean definitely organic( I know defenitely not making animation) because as you say its not proper for SU. I want to learn more than I know now( my knowledge is as much as Ive read and seen which I mentioned). Im currently working on a building which is nothin to show.(Ill show you later if it came out somethin showable)
So is there any proic(not basic) tutorials? -
I'd start here:
Learn the new ruby's available, expand your current toolbox.
Please excuse me, I don´t mean to be rude, but yesterday you were asking for some basic explanations of groups/components, intersection...Today you´re after advanced tutorials and tricky things. Yet you have a model that is "nothing to show".
I by no means consider myself a SU power user, but IMO the best way to learn about modeling is by actually doing it. That building could be a good start - I am sure that you´ll get some useful feedback here. -
Dear numbthumb
In my life, Im tired to explain myself to others.
Ive learned basics in 1 day(Im a good learner , I can show you my Iq license if you want:) )
When I said I dont show anything unless its showable I meant what is in my personality. I cant show anything Unless I sense it "perfect"(maybe thats because Ive never shown anything)
Actually I work with SU maybe 12 hours a day but I dont design any particular thing.
I appreciate your critics.
PS: Ive added one pic to show why I dont show
Thank you
Thank You pete (great help)
Nice work, Dnt
Maybe my IQ is deterioratingbut I didn´t really understand that you´re trying to get a grip on various plugins and how to use them - some of them are absolutely life savers.
Cheers! -
Maybe I wasnt clear that much because I didnt know they exist. The exact thing I was looking for.
Thanx again -
Hi Dnt, hi folks.
Take a look here:
This will show you real cool stuff that can be done with SketchUp (SU).
Just an idea, see this model:
This is a SU 3D model, not only an image. Use the Orbit, Zoom and Pan tools to get an idea.It was done using only these images and using only native SU's tools.
Canadair C Serie - Base Images.skp
This king of projects, planes, cars and other complex objects will certainly improve your modeling skills.
@unknownuser said:
When I said I dont show anything unless its showable I meant what is in my personality. I cant show anything Unless I sense it "perfect"
As a Drawing teacher for many years, I always had students who would say.. . "DONT LOOK AT THIS! IT's NOT PERFECT YET!" To which I would respond: "If you don't want me to see it, why the heck are you in my class? When it is perfect, you can be the teacher and I will learn from you. . otherwise, let me see it so I can help you."When is anything ever perfect? That's an impossible standard and it halts the learning process. If it was perfect, you wouldn't need to ask questions! Far be it from me to kibbitz on this stuff, cuz there are so many wizards on this site who can be of assistance, but that's what is so cool about this forum. Everybody is so willing to share.
. . . and I am so willing to take from them!
Dear jean
Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.
sincerely A.A