Messed up model
I would like to know ,what is wrong with this model.
It is causing me a bugsplat in some functions (self intersect function).group.entities.intersect_with false,transformation, group.entities,transformation, true, group.entities.to_a
Sometimes Sketchup detect it and offer to fix error,but I cannot repeat this situation.
This model is a part of bigger model and I have isolated the issue to this small piece.
I would like to detect this kind of errors without bugsplat.
The SKP contains a surface that is 'flat' and divided by several hidden lines [why?]
Why would you want to intersect it with itself? There would a be a nil result ?
The only arguments you could try changing are the first and last but one... -
Try to delete all the coplanar edges that are on this model and you will have only 1 face.
Then try to select all (edited) and make the intersect with selected (with the right button mouse menu).
The message will be that is nothing to intersect,but the face will be divided in many faces.
I think that this is because of the Sketchup tolerance of the coplanar faces(the points of the edges are not on the same plane).@tig said:
Why would you want to intersect it with itself?
Only to detect such deviations.
If it is all regular,nothing happen.
If the geometry will change,something was wrong.
If bugsplat occurs,the model has some serious problems and can affect other functions too. -
Works fine for me
This 'intersecting' will never 'remove' coplanar edges - there are many examples of code that do however... see Cleanup, etc etc... -
Ok,what about this one.It seems all clear,but is not.It has some irregularities.If you delete one edge,the face will be deleted and if you draw back the edge,the face will not come back.This means that the points of the edges are not on the same plane.
I don't want to remove coplanar edges but to detect this kind of models (or entities).What to do to detect it?
If you erase a long edge and draw another one there is no new face, if you erase a short edge and draw another one there is a new face.
This s is a common issue with manually drawn faces where tiny tolerances cause issues, BUT the edges are coplanar enough to keep a face!