Steampunk Mobile Phone
Thank you very much!
I'm going to try to get this to work in Thea.
....o-o-o Very cool!
Not to usurp the thread, but the silver mat I was able to come up with is not quite as good. Missing that soft haze yours has, but I've uploaded it over at the Thea forums if anyone wants it or can improve on it.
Looking good! if you produced that from my tute, then I'm happy.
The only things I would change are the bump and specular maps and how they interact, I don't know how thea works in this regard, does it have the same procedurals as kerky?. what are you using for the scratches? they look a little minerally.
I had a thought and googled 'scratch' under images and came up with the file which I based my scratches on
I fiddled with it in GIMP using the photocopy filter to make it more monochrome, but this was the basic image.I think a lot of the hazyness in my image comes from the light probe... it adds so much realism.
Also I love the sterling engraving... nicely done
Funny enough, that's the same scratch I used. I used a high pass filter in Gimp to even it out a bit. The minerally look is actually something I applied to make it look like a poured ingot; a displacement windy procedural texture, but it washes the scratch bump out. Maybe with some more tweaking I can get that soft haze. I don't know if it's the light probe, I used image based lighting as well to get some good color. Likely just need to add a detailed bump layer with a .jpg or .bmp for haze. Thea has a roughness setting, but it's much too heavy handed for this job.
LOL must be a good scratch then!!
I think the haze must come from the specularity, primarily using the windy texture scaled either to match or at a slightly different scale from the windy bump.
the windy bump on mine is very light, almost unnoticeable and quite large in comparison to the piece.
question for you, I had heard thea can open kerky files, is this true?
To some extent, yes. The best way to do it is to save a simple scene with the mats from Kerky and then open it in Thea.
Would you be interested in a simple kt scene which has this material as part of it.
I'd be interested to see how thea interprets this material
Sure, why not? Just PM me.
As Thea Render uses some heuristics when converting Kerkythea materials and if you have some complex material, then converted material will most likely need some fine tuning.