[Interior] Living Room, Conceptual
Nice work!
As you wanted C&C:
Many of the shiny surfaces are just a bit too perfect? Particularly the shelf on the left side.
And the floor could need a different bump map, as well as spec map etc.
It looks like you used the texture for bump too?
Try to use the high-pass filter in PS or similar. You really don't want all that darker wood to be lower than the lighter? -
nice renders, can you show us a wireframe
@bjornkn said:
Try to use the high-pass filter in PS or similar. You really don't want all that darker wood to be lower than the lighter?
thx for good tip
, after quick test I made, it looks, that high-pass filter works better than unsharp mask.
can u teach me this learning process
its fantabolous
wow.. i really surprised. thanks before, for giving me many comments to learn more.
@Srx: actually, i just learning how to use HDRI in vray Sketchup. so, that's why sometime in cases i still not sure the way i try using HDRI is the right one. so, that's why i just say, i'm still learning ^_^@sepo : thanks bro ^_^
@broomstick : actually yes bro, honestly, i still not sure how to apply material to the "smoothed" surface
aha, the render time is about 1,5 hours in 1000x750 pixel.@bjornkn : wow.. thanks many2 thanks, i'll try it. honestly, yes i am using Sharpen in PS, so i'll what u suggested
but, how to use the High Pass in PS ? sorry before, because i just know using sharpen, perhaps you can give me advise
It looks like you used the texture for bump too? -> ow, some material is yes, but some other is still using different bump map (black and white for the bump map)@jarynzlesa : no prob.. here is the wire
and here is the processing when rendering progress
@imabzeous : aha.. same question .. hihih.. i hope Bjornkn can help us
Here's a nice tutorial on using the high-pass filter - here mainly for making repeating evenly lit seamless textures, but it describes the filter pretty good : http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3073/the_power_of_the_high_pass_filter.php
There are lots of possibilities if you copy the texture to a new layer and do the filter on that layer. Experiment with blend modes and opacity.
For a bump map you usually want only the high-contrast border to show up, like veins in the wood and cracks/joints. It often works fine to use the texturemap for bump if the wood is very evenly colored. On a floor like yours, with some light and some dark woods it would typically still be pretty even/smooth on top.
On old, worn floors the darker veins are usually harder than the light wood, and is standing up in relief against the softer light wood. -
Great renders....where did you get the model of the sofa from?
@bjornkn : waa.. many thanks brother will learn about this
@Bryan K :
@holmes1977 : i put from my 3dsmax library, and then convert it to 3ds file to be imported to sketchup
sorry I thought that I was right. nice process, how many computers are processing at this render?
kayaknya kenal sama gambar ini...ha3x...
well , its so impresive and just wonderful..
antara cinta dan dusta? is it a movie poster?
@jarynzlesa : thanks
i just using 1 computer only, its i7 980X processor.@batas senja : ahaa.. ada orang indo juga .. akhirnya.. tapi malu juga nih mas, disini kritiknya lebih tajam tapi lebih membangun .. hihi.. thanks dah mampir mas
"Antara cinta dan Dusta" in the poster, its indonesian serial moviehmm.. actually my favorite actress there .. wakakaka