[Plugin] FredoTools::ConstructFaceNormal - v1.3a - 20 Jul 11
ConstructFaceNormal is a small standalone script which will put a construction line along the normal at the barycenter of each selected face.
Length of the construction line is just the average of the distance of the face contour to its barycenterConstructFaceNormal is now installed as part of FredoTools .
See the main post for this plugin for Installation
No user manual (see section Quick Startbelow)
- Language: English and French
- Menus: by default, it is installed in Tools > FredoTools > Construct Face Normal and also appears in the Contextual menu when there is at least one face in the current selection
- Icon toolbar: Fredo6 Tool. Icon not shown by default
- The plugin is free, for private and commercial usage.
- Select one or several faces (edges and other elements will be ignored)
- Call the Plugin on the selection (main menu or contextual menu “Construct Face Normal”)
- Construction Lines are placed at barycenter of each selected face
ConstructFaceNormal 1.3a - 20 Jul 11: Part of FredoTools. No functional change
ConstructFaceNormal 1.2a - 26 May 11: Position the construction lines at the real centroid of the face
ConstructFaceNormal 1.1a - 25 May 11: Initial version
Hi, Fredo:
I like the concept. A good standalone "simple" tool. It will make a good companion to Chris Fullmer's Three Lines Tool, which places a normal on edges, among two other functions. -
I believe there is somewhere a plug who convert Construction lines in real lines
for some fun explorationOK this is Lines Converter by Rick Wilson
Conctruction Lines <--> Lines
Projection by Didier Bur, Random Painter By Chris Fullmer