Simple Q: how do you cancel something?
K so I been messing around with sketch up (latest version I believe) and been doing squares for rooms for a house. Thing is when I do something on one of these lines and realize I don't want to do it afterall, how do I reset that point on that line which I clicked? I find whenever I click on that line again it will go to the dot I pressed on it earlier which I did not want to do anything with. thx.
Most anything you do during any given session can be undone by selecting Undo on the Edit menu. Alt+Backspace is the keyboard equivalent.
@sdmitch said:
Alt+Backspace is the keyboard equivalent.
I didn't even know that. Ctrl+Z does the same.
If you already started a line for instance (or pretty much any operation) but do not want to finish it, press the Esc(ape) button.