How to convert my animation to video?
Alright i have built a working trebuchet. I have added 3 scenes which i would like to view the launch from. But i have no idea how to record it and turn it into a video. i have tried by using the record button but i just don't understand it. I found the Export Animation thing to turn it into a video but all that does is go from scene to scene with out launching. So if you know anything about this i would greatly appreciate some help.
I have attached the working trebuchet.
I'm not positive but I don't think the native sketchup animation export will work with sketchy physics. I think you have to use an external video capturing software to capture the video of what you have going on.
You can try something like this free good one
BBFlash Back Express
I have not seen your file because I suppose that is not in SU6 format ?