Isn't that the same thing?
Conservatives always saying Obama is driving the economy into the ground, love the chart below.
Remember the recession happened on Bush's watch, Obama is doing his best to get us out with full resistance from the right.
you shouldn't get your info at the dailykos Pete... they lie a lot... try this
and proof...
you'll have to click the 10y button to see the last decade... but it shoots that graph all to hell...
Kris, please show me how the above graphic is wrong, as far as I can see it's pretty spot on compared to your link.
well if you did as I said and clicked the ten year chart, you would see that the highest the Dow has ever been was under Bush and the Dow didn't start it's dip into recession until right up to a month or so before the election in 08 when everyone knew who would be the next president, a business hating democrat... that scares businesses... it also scares those who invest in businesses, that coupled with the bailouts, tarp and the stimulus... led to no trust in the stock market or wallstreet. so we had the crash... now because of the crash all stocks dropped dramatically... which when stocks are extremely low, where do they have to go? especially stocks in businesses who have received bailouts... they are almost assured of not failing, so take a company that has government backing and an extremely low stock price... what are you going to do?m you're going to do like me and buy AIG and Ford and GM stocks... (ps I'm ranked 73 out of some 50,000 investors on Forbes Investopedia. I took 100k and turned it into $376,000.00) but that's funny money... but I invite you all to give it a try and learn how real money could work for you in the market. http://simulator.investopedia.com
anyway... your chart shows Obama as the highest mark on the Dow... not true Bush was. at over 14,000.
your chart also shows that Bush inherited some huge Dow and then drove it down... which is completely untrue. the Dow almost doubled under Bush... and then Obama has managed or more likely America has managed to bring it back up to almost pre-recession levels of Bush.
now let's compare that to the entire history of the Dow...
you can see that the number... represents the whole of the Dow's market... the Volume. which as long as businesses are growing it will increase, if they shrink or close then the volume will shrink.
the point is that the DailyKos only espouses information they believe to be in line with their ideas. and if it's not, they manipulate the data to match their premise. and then disseminate it to the public in mass as "truth"
So, you are disagreeing that Clinton and Obama have been better for the market based on upward trends?
I'm also gonna assume your opinion on the daily kos is equal to my opinion of Fox.
Obama? upturn? lmao.... Clinton? yes... Obama... LMAO....
I don't watch or read extremists... and I would say they both are.
edit, and you realize Clinton's upturn was almost entirely internet bubble... and of course the housing bubble.
so you admit that the dailykos chart is BS and manipulated to show their perspective right?
Why, WHY, WHY does ASGVIS insist on having their video tuts done by people with really thick accents? What are they thinking? "Hey, you know what, let's make our vids virtually useless for our non-native English speaking customers!"
Every time I watch a new vid on their site, I get severely dissapointed by the apparent half-*ssed way ASGVIS produces content for their customers.
thanks for putting us back on point Stinkie... maybe you could make some money redubbing or over sampling those tuts?
lol. Me? I obviously have an accent myself. And that -th thing ... (faiTH, wiTH etc) - can't do it.
lmao... ah I just spit tea all over my monitor...
@unknownuser said:
Why, WHY, WHY does ASGVIS insist on having their video tuts done by people with really thick accents? What are they thinking? "Hey, you know what, let's make our vids virtually useless for our non-native English speaking customers!"
Every time I watch a new vid on their site, I get severely dissapointed by the apparent half-*ssed way ASGVIS produces content for their customers.
I offer my sad comment!
I've been beta testing, well over a year now, I still cant see any improvements. You still need to be an engineer to render anything. I have made a lot of suggestion, all have fallen on deaf ears. They simply don't get it! To render in SketchUp you need to be able to simplify the rendering process. Otherwise you end up with a Render program designed for AutoCad users.my 2 cents!
I wish the 'Fundies' would just shut up already. They do not understand this clever advert, so they call it gay.
This is the crap we deal with everyday and a reason I dislike fundies.
And this crap is exactly to stir people up. Why don't you just give a damn? If you sink to their level, they will beat you in stupidity as they are much better at it.
Man, I thought I knew you better, Pete. Getting heart attack because of an idiot is like punishing yourself for their stupidity! Grab a beer and sit out on the porch to smoke something!
Stupid people who think SketchUp is for making primitive basic shapes! On Yahoo Answers the other day, I saw a guy who asked for help and tutorials for SketchUp and some idiot came in and told him to use Blender instead. He justified his opinion with two links. He said, "this is what SketchUp can do and this is what Blender can do." People like this tick me off.
Is SketchUp better than Blender? Not necessarily.
Is Blender more capable than SketchUp in some areas? Of course!
Is SketchUp only useful if you want to build a building block bridge? NO!!!So I explained that he was comparing years of work by 100+ experts costing over half a million U.S. dollars to one crappy SketchUp user's hours work for Google Earth.
Then I told the asker about SketchUcation and other good resources.
I stopped debating ignorant fools regarding SU a while ago. I would rather them use Blender, Max, Maya, etc and I'll plod along with SU, I get work done faster and in many comparatives even better, so my results speak for themselves.
That's the best thing to do I guess.
This makes me wonder, what is it that makes people think SketchUp is incapable? Is it the name that sounds simple and plain? Is it the fact that it is free/relatively inexpensive? Is it the incredibly easy learning curve often associated with weak software? Is it the fact that it's owned by Google? Very infrequently do I think these people have seen what SketchUp can do and/or used it themselves before coming to this conclusion.
@unknownuser said:
On Yahoo Answers the other day, I saw a guy who asked for help and tutorials for SketchUp and some idiot came in and told him to use Blender instead. He justified his opinion with two links. He said, "this is what SketchUp can do and this is what Blender can do." People like this tick me off.
This is hilarious, really made me laugh. I've always thought Yahoo answers was crap.
@linea said:
@unknownuser said:
On Yahoo Answers the other day, I saw a guy who asked for help and tutorials for SketchUp and some idiot came in and told him to use Blender instead. He justified his opinion with two links. He said, "this is what SketchUp can do and this is what Blender can do." People like this tick me off.
This is hilarious, really made me laugh. I've always thought Yahoo answers was crap.
I opened his link expecting to see a really great render of an awesome model a single person made in Blender.
Sintel, (and all the other Blender made movies) is awesome though.
Yahoo Answers is very useful for finding answers to questions. In fact, when I do a Google search for a question I have, I'll often pull up a few Yahoo Answers on the subject. The problem with it is the rating system. I can't post a question without being docked points that I need to get to level 2 to be able to post links in my answers.
Therein lies the problem. That and idiots posting one word responses that are not helpful or even relevant. But I guess you'll have people like that anywhere.