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Taking a model to particular coordinates
and also i need to save the first line in variable machine
this is how i did it.....
model = Sketchup.active_model a = [] counter = 0 file = File.new("trial.txt", "r") while (line = file.gets) a[counter] = line if counter % 4 == 0.0 # lines 0 , 4, 8 etc machine = "#{a[counter].strip}.3ds" elsif counter % 4 == 1.0 # lines 1 , 5, 9 etc x = a[counter].to_f elsif counter % 4 == 2.0 # lines 2 , 6, 10 etc y = a[counter].to_f elsif counter % 4 == 3.0 # lines 3 , 7, 11 etc rot = a[counter].to_i ### processing end counter = counter + 1 end
@borg.stef said:
and also i need to save the first line in variable machine
so... modify TIG's example, thus:
SUMMARY = true model = Sketchup.active_model dir = Dir.getwd # save current working dir path = File.expand_path("absolute path to 3ds import dir") lines = IO.readlines(filepath) i=0 ### always the first element in array 'lines' (lines.length/4).times{ machine = lines[i].strip + '.3ds' ### the '.strip' ### removes '\n'; does it need +'.3ds' ??? x=lines[i+1].strip.to_f y=lines[i+2].strip.to_f r=lines[i+3].strip.to_f ### success = model.import( File.join(path,machine), SUMMARY ) if success ### place it at 'x' & 'y' with rotation 'r' etc... else puts("Error at line #{i}, importing file; #{machine}\n") end ### i=i+4 ### do next 4 lines etc etc... } Dir.chdir = dir # reset working dir
Thanks Dan.
As explained my example is just an example - you need to tailor it to you needs so 'f' >>> 'machine' with the .3ds added etc...
In you example it much more difficult to read than mine.
Your 'processing' is inside the if...end test when rotation is set, BUT my way will work with less likelihood of massing up - you simply gather the 4 lines of data as I show and use the references you set from them to do your processing for each 'machine'...