New Traffic Lights ?
Maybe the red should not count down. But the rest I support.
We have the red and yellow together as wait. And in more and more crossings, there are count-down numbers (both for cars and pedestrians) although many of the traffic light crossings (where possible) are being changed to roundabouts.
What is unique is that it is all done with the single "lamp". How the public reacts/ behaves with this system is yet to be seen. Where is this implemented?
True - and I also like it. I wonder what the reaction is, too.
I don't see it. Everyone can tell how long a yellow light ("stop if you can") has been on. The amount of time does not determine your action for any light. We don't need to be told to get "ready" to go. We rev our engines throughout the red light and dart out without looking upon green
. How would this affect the colorblind?
However I think revenue is being lost by not having ads run while people are trapped at the lights.
Huh, I really don't like the idea of the red light counting down. The green light counting down and the yellow light counting are great, but the red light - I don't think we need to help people anticipate the light turning green. Seems more hazard prone as people attempt to be the first off the line.
But being able to see that a green light is expiring could be quite useful.
I've had some other similar ideas for safer/more efficient crosswalks. And I work at a firm where we get to propose some of these crazy ideas to actual cities. One day you might see one of my contraptions at your local intersection
(wow that's a scary thought!)
Hi folks.
Have they though about color blind peoples ?
With vertically aligned lights, the red is always on top and the green on bottom with yellow in the middle (this is with a 3 lights signal.
With an horizontal one, the reds are on the outside, the yellow is in the middle, to the left and the green is in the middle, to the right.
These arrangements avoid any ambiguity for color blind peoples.
With this new signal, there is only one panel, not efficient. Nice but not efficient.
And, with theses countdowns it may effectively look like a dragster start.
BTW, I am not color blind.
Just ideas.
Curious that Color blind is for people who confuse and transform some colors, because there is also people who see colors in B & W !