Help with landscaping components
I have a 360,000 s.f. site of a housing project, that will be (birds eye) viewed as between that size and 60,000s.f. The project is in it's conceptual stage. Below is the plan with trees. I need help with examples, or links to bushes and shrubs that are appropriate at this scale?
Have you looked into Daniel Tal's book? Some of the examples look to be about the same scale you might be dealing with.
Thanks fossa, I looked his stuff up on the Internet and got some ideas, but I would have to build the texture I need from scratch, or buy his book (assuming that they are in there).
One idea I got from looking at his images is that at the scale, and angle I require a view, that the use of a 2d pattern with a photo of shrub at a similar angle may work. If I place it 6" above the ground, I might even get a darkened edge.
Don't know if I am getting paid enough for all that effort:-) But since when do I get paid enough>_<