Thea Render
Bruce, which exporter are you using?
I am under the impression that all issues are fixed, I too had problems but the last two versions have solved all my issues. (win 7 64, IE9, SU8)
@unknownuser said:
The bad news is the exporter which I was kinda looking forward to...duh..doesn't work on my box
so for now the in-SU material set-up is not going to happen.
I am watching the Thea forum for fixes or suggestions although so far the best advise is to rebuild or repair win7, +IE...etc. My microsoft tools as well as the arsenal of on-line microsoft troubleshooters are all telling me that IE9 and Win7 are working perfectly and that is evident in all other apps that I run.There been some rare UI corruptions on SU2Thea (one was possible result of a virus), that for my knowledge have not been able to recreate by dev. I think Tomasz will need some detailed info of your system, perhaps even IE registry export. You really have to contact with him.
Perhaps you could create another user account and try if SU2Thea will work fine with it. Then some user profile related issues (or IE settings) can be eliminated.
Yes, I read this on the Thea > SU subforum, too (from one or two persons). And there is a Hungarian guys down inthe Hungarian forum with some similar issues about the exporter, too.
By the way, Bruce, don't you happen to also have a Twilight license? (Material settings with Twilight are exported fine with the Twilight-to-Kerkythea export option and import also fine to Thea).
Well, anyway, the Thea expo9rter already does (and will) have a bunch of cool settings that this issue must be resolved, not worked-around.
@unknownuser said:
That is mypost to the Thea forum.
And I was just about to post this:*Bruce, this is a very hot (read new) topic in the Thea forums:
The guy seems to have been able to solve his issue by creating a new user account (but read through, it is not too long).If this IS the solution for all, Notareal hit the nail on the head!
Could you guys stick to the same username all over the place?
Have you changed some IE security settings from default? Disabled some scripting... used some ActiveX Kill Bits? Anything changed from default Win7/IE installation... maybe used registry cleaners? Or set some other browser as default, like crome? Anyhow, it's certainly promising that it's pinpointed to profile, at-least it does offer a workaround that does not require re-installation. Just a new profile... and find out what corrupts the profile.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Thanks notareal!!!! You are right...I added a new user profile and the Exporter works!!!
Now find out how the profile got currupted....kinda scarry but I am back in business so thanks very much again notreal.That is my post to the Thea forum.
My own win7 profile was currupt....funny, microsoft couldn't tell me but notareal could.
Well... I been working as a systems analyst. But usually I have no need to bother with IE related issues, thanks to strict policies.
Might be worth to browse trough IE related "Fix it" solutions
I had a problem with the exporter not working. Turned out it was a plugin conflict. For me it was one of the sun position plugins. I would recommend removing all other plugins and see if that fixes it.
Did you read my post Modelhead? I did have your exact same problem on a PC...
Question. . .
in making the purchase. . .do we buy the license at 158 Euros PLUS the plugin for SU at 19?
it's okay, I just need to know what I need to get it going.
Yes you will require both if you want to export directly from SketchUp. -
Thea is lots of fun once you get the hang of it. Then there's just all the basic rendering stuff to learn with materials - that's the stuff I really lack. I don't have a solid understanding of IOR, Fresnel, absorption, on and on. But thea is lots of fun. I've had some really encouraging success with it rather quickly.
Fresnel? Isn't that in California?
The manual is supposed to be coming with the release, as are more tutorials, but the response to questions on the forum is excellent, so please ask away (so that I quit looking so dumb
I downloaded everything to give a test drive. .. but If I am going to buy i gotta do it in a week cuz the price goes up. Not a lot of time here. But I was so blown away by what Pete and others showed in Boulder that I am pretty sure I am going to go for it.
Anyway, I can't seem to find the User manual page on the thea website. can anyone help me out?
It is inside Thea's installation directory - Manual.pdf
Ah yes. . I see that now.
Thank you.
okay. . .so I got this thea desktop thing open and I am looking at it.
scares me to death!
It's okay though. I will get this. Just gotta read the book. (dammit
One thing. . .when I opened SU, i got a warning . .. i didn't know I did anything wrong when I downloaded the plugin. Any ideas? I assumed the plugin would install automatically where it was supposed to go. Is that not the case?
I got the same - just reinstall the plugin.
thanks. I will do that of course. ..but that begs the larger question...
Im still scared to death of this thing!
@unknownuser said:
Im still scared to death of this thing!
When you hit the Start render button it won't hurt and you shouldn't feel a thing...