How can I draw this (properly)?
I'm having trouble closing the geometry on the attached figure and thought someone here might have some pointers. What I'd like to end up with is a 120 degree section of a funnel (well, a funnel without a drain). I start by creating a 120 degree slice of a circle (2000 sides). At one end, on the circumference, I draw a line to the desired height normal to the slice's plane. I continue the line from this point to the vertex of the slice, completing a vertical triangular face of the desired cross-section of the finished figure. I select the Follow Me tool, click on the triangle, and click on the slice circumference. What I end up with is what you see here. The original triangular face opens up, though the last one is closed. There's some weirdness where all the faces meet at the vertex, which you get a hint of in the drawing. Is there a way to get this to work, or a better way of achieving the desired result? Thanks.
I would use another approach starting from a section of the circle (I used the PushPull tool to get rid of the rest of the full cylinder). OR make the whole shape around the circle first and cut/intersect it with the vertical faces. The Follow me tool has issues when you only go around a part of a circle.
Thanks. Perfect.