Urban Interstice
Very nice. Where'd you get the flowers from?
These are very difficult scenes, good work.
Because of the work I do involving a lot of permaculture and other green principles, I have to do a lot of plant intensive models, and as you probably found out the more modeled vegetation you add, the heavier, and more awkward the model gets, particularly if the plants are anywhere near real. Instancing helps, but sometimes, at least in rendering applications, placement, which is critical can become tedious. I have started to use a lot more post pro, but as you know this limits you to one scene, as you can't rotate post pro in 3d, but I also think that just post pro plants tend to make a scene look fake unless mixed with modeled ones.
I've vowed to learn Vue, as the work I've seen being done with it (Solo and others) is damn fine, but can't afford the time or money at the moment.
I thought you could use a little food production in your garden, so I have attached a skp. file with a tomatoe plant, and a cucumber vine. Warning, these aren't small files, and because of the randomness of the leaves in the tomatoe plant it may require some rotation to get the best view, but they render out quite well.
Thanks for the interest and help everyone. Dale I know, its a nightmare isn't it. And when you change the angle of your scene, you need to change the angle of the sun (which may not be complimentary)....we do our best with sketchup lol its a science!
The 2D cutouts are from a company called Marlin.
Background trees are from my FREE Collection:
Food production is the idea.....this is one of several sites which have different programmes depending on the locality. Thanks for the tomato! Some sites may not even have plants/food. Have you seen ECObox by aaa? one of my precedents....
Here is another angle....I know its not perfect and overexposed in places but I have NO TIME!!
Thanks for the ecobox link. I have had some involvement with urban gardening like this and I am all for it.
PS Love this view -
It's good fun too! Fotosketcher:
Second shot looks superb Oli, really shows off the space. Great work!
@cadmunkey said:
Second shot looks superb Oli, really shows off the space. Great work!
Yeah, the second realistic render is muche better!
Good job, master!
Thanks, I'm gonna try a thea render.
This is the thea version, almost raw:
I would LOVE to hang out in that garden.
Well done.