Scifi Sketchup Modeling
This is amazing, Liam. I'm watching this thread, and I see updates so so fast. Really amazing, you're great at this. Basically, though, the thing that jumped out at me was the rather low detail on the tower part. Nice work otherwise.
@unknownuser said:
This is amazing, Liam. I'm watching this thread, and I see updates so so fast. Really amazing, you're great at this. Basically, though, the thing that jumped out at me was the rather low detail on the tower part. Nice work otherwise.
all in good time my friend!
I have done away with the humpback shape and decided to put a larger open runway at the back instead.
Here is the work in progress on the vertical missle launchers located about midway on the back of the ship/helicopter?, they will also be covered by large doors that slide back to reveal the revolver style launchers I haven't got round to them yet.
Added a bit more and started working on the large runway at the rear.
YAY! Detail on the tower!!
Great work again, Liam. Very, very nice.
No point doing loads of details on the parts that are hardly seen so here is the finished vertical launch system bay with sliding covers.
About three quarters done on the model now...
I've never been much of a fan of the Avengers (I prefer the Justice League) but I've always liked the Shield Carrier concept. You're version is certainly one of the better ones I've seen. Nice work.
Niiice! Great use of textures!
i like little cities
@jimi james said:
I've never been much of a fan of the Avengers (I prefer the Justice League) but I've always liked the Shield Carrier concept. You're version is certainly one of the better ones I've seen. Nice work.
thanks, still been working on the samson but here is my work on our latest xbox game, happy new year x
@liam887 said:
About three quarters done on the model now...
Wow, liam, great work again. Just so fun to stare at it for long periods of time...
Hey Liam,
I have not been in the forum busy with other stuff.
Pretty nice ship.
I like the Gentic slum too. Somehow it looks like a cardboard model...hey, that's why it's a "slum"...
I did not know you work for a game company. You also mentioned you're in school. What are you studying btw?
My interview with
My interview with ASGVIS/V-Ray:
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art: -
@ken28875 said:
Hey Liam,
I have not been in the forum busy with other stuff.
Pretty nice ship.
I like the Gentic slum too. Somehow it looks like a cardboard model...hey, that's why it's a "slum"...
I did not know you work for a game company. You also mentioned you're in school. What are you studying btw?
Yeah the slum was done in a few hours as an internal concept just to get the team thinking about some level ideas and layouts. I have worked on many mods and such usually just contributing concept art or low poly game ready models but I have ben working for an xbox live indie game developer for the last year or so. Its unpaid for now the whole team is made up of volunteers from around the world probably around 20 of us but everybody is a pro they already have one game out you can buy and we are aiming for march for the next release (screenshots below).
Im still in University studying graphic design but its a means to an end really as I dont want to go into GD when I graduate but its good to have a degree I guess. I would feel I would miss out if I didnt get into debt with loans like all my friends have also
I love digital painting and concept art I guess thats where I am headed maybe and sketchup does help further that when I paint over models very quickly. I added a digital paint I finished last year of the USS Kelvin from the new Star Trek film I had to scale it down to fit the max image size of the forum but you can still see it pretty well:
Cool.. what can i say...fantastic
@dolphus said:
Cool.. what can i say...fantastic
Heave a reading week in Uni so worked a bit more on my Avatar model, if you didnt look closley you would not see any improvements but there are many, mostly just bolts and latches and minor details. Also worked on the cockpit doors a lot so now when the door is closed it is not 'one' with the hull there is a gap of about half an inch wide and half an inch deep so it is more defined when rendering.
Almost finished work on the models save the minor details (not including the interiors) cant believe its taken 13 months but they are looking nice at last!
Here are the two most refined versions. The Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson on the left from the movie Avatar and on the right my own SA-H2 COmbat Search and Rescue variant designed by myself. Both made in sketchup with many many many revisions over the last year.The combat search and rescue model differs in that it only has one mounted door gun, a winch, fuel tanks instead of pylon mounted ordnance such as quad missile launchers seen on the SA-2 two sets of of opening rear cargo doors, no wire cutters on the rotor hubs and a in flight refueling boom.
Pretty happy with how they have turned out and much better than I would ever have expected when I started over a year ago, amazing the tips and tricks you can pick up in such a time span.
However next comes the hardest part, the dreaded paneling
fingers crossed on that sketchup doesn't like tiny geometry I have already scaled up the aircraft to something like 40 feet high so I can work on it!
@liam887 said:
However next comes the hardest part, the dreaded paneling
I wish you luck mate. I hate paneling, personally
It is a pain and a sow and tricky process but if you model it, it gives such a better result than achieving the same thing through textures. Anyway had some time between real work to do a wide shot and label it. Its a bit small and you cant really read the writing but you can see a full size version here: