[Code] New SKM class and methods
See here for download http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=293677#p293677
TIG (c) 2010
All Rights Reserved.
Needs 'ZipDirectory.jar' and 'UnZipDirectory.jar',
and 'Thumbnailer.jar' and 'ThumbnailerRGB.jar' in the same sub-folder.
You will need Java installed on your PC/MAC - it usually is...
Also needs 'material-save_texture.rb' to export a SKM's texture.
[Related files are 'material-save_thumbnail.rb' & 'material-export_skm.rb'.]
Temporary .ini files are written to the ../Plugins/SKMtools/ folder and
are deleted by the various methods to pass values to the .jar executable.
Loaded by 'SKMtools.rb' in the ../Plugins/ folder.
Adds a new class 'SKM' - with methods to import, export, save_texture and
save_thumbnail from SKM files.
It returns an error if the file 'path_skm' doesn't exist or have a
'.skm' suffix.
It makes a temporary SKM folder with the extracted SKM files contents
[overwriting any existing one], e.g.
'../Materials/My Material.skm'
makes a temporary SKM folder as
[note the SKM name using [A-Za-z0-9_-] characters only]
The required values are read from the files and a new material is added
to the model based on these, named.
e.g. 'My_Material'
If that material name exists then it increments with a numerical suffix,
e.g. 'My_Material1'
The temporary SKM folder/files are deleted [unloaded].
Returns a new 'Sketchup::Material' if successful, or 'nil'.
Note that any attribute-dictionaries in the SKM xml file ARE imported
with the new Material.SKM.export(material, folder)
Takes the given 'material' [as a 'Sketchup::Material' Object] and the
destination 'folder' to receive the exported SKM file [as a 'String'.]
It return errors if 'material' or 'folder' do not exist.
For the 'material'
'My Material'
with 'folder'
it gives the SKM file as
[note the SKM name using [A-Za-z0-9_-] characters only]
It makes a temporary SKM folder with the default SKM files in it called
The required values are read from the 'material' and added to these
files in the temporary SKM folder.
The temporary SKM folder is compressed into a SKM file in the
destination 'folder'.
If the SKM exists in that folder it is overwritten.
The temporary SKM folder/files are deleted [unloaded] on completion.
Returns the path to a new 'SKM' file if successful, or 'nil'.
Any attribute-dictionaries in the 'material' ARE put into the SKM xml.SKM.save_texture(path_skm, folder)
If the file 'path_skm' or 'folder' doesn't exist there's an error.
It makes a temporary SKM folder with the extracted SKM files
[overwriting any existing one], e.g.
'../Materials/My Material.skm'
makes a temporary folder as
[using [A-Za-z0-9_-] characters in the name only]
If the SKM has no 'texture' file it returns 'nil'.
Otherwise the 'texture' file - e.g. 'My_Materials_1.jpg' - is moved to
the destination 'folder'.
The temporary SKM folder/files are deleted [unloaded].
Returns the 'path to the texture file, or 'nil' if failed or the SKM
has ho texture file.SKM.save_thumbnail(path_skm, file_png)
If the 'file' specified by 'file_png' is actually an existing
'directory' then the thumbnail is extracted into that folder using its
original name - 'doc_thumbnail.png'.
If the file 'file_png' is doesn't have a '.png' suffix it is added.
If the destination file 'file_png' exists it will be overwritten.
If the file 'path_skm' or the 'parent-folder' for the 'file_png' file
doesn't exist there's an error.
It makes a temporary SKM folder with the extracted SKM files
[overwriting any existing one], e.g.
'../Materials/My Material.skm'
makes a temporary folder as
[using [A-Za-z0-9_-] characters in the name only]
If the SKM has no 'thumbnail' file it returns 'nil' - but this is very
unlikely as every SKM should contain a file called 'doc_thumbnail.png'
The 'thumbnail' file
- e.g. 'My_Materials_thumbnail.jpg' or 'doc_thumbnail.png' -
is moved to the specified destination 'parent-folder'.
The temporary SKM folder/files are deleted [unloaded].
Returns the 'path to the thumbnail .png file, or 'nil' if failed.**SKM.extract(path_skm, [folder])
This extracts all of the data from the SKM file specifed in 'path_skm'.
The SKM's data is returned as a 'hash' [see below for contents...]
If the optional 'folder' is specified the extracted SKM data is
retained in a sub-folder named after the SKM file, e.g. 'MY Mat.skm' >>>
a new folder called 'My_Mat'. This sub-folder contains all of the SKM's
files as follows: The SKM's thumbnail called 'doc_thumbnail.png',
three files containing assorted data relating to the SKM [document.xml,
documentProperties.xml and references.xml], and if the SKM has a
'texture' then there is also the 'image-file' is in a sub-folder called
'ref', e.g. /ref/'MyMat.jpg'. If there is a 'folder' specified then it
returns additional entries in the 'hash' [see below for contents...]
The 'data' hash contains the following:
:path >>> the path to the original SKM file, e.g. 'C:\Temp\My Mat.skm'.
:name >>> the SKM's name as it will SKM.import(), e.g. 'My_Mat'.
:color >>> the SKM material's color as an array [r, g, b] - e.g. [225, 0, 0].
:alpha >>> the SKM material's alpha [transparency/opacity] - e.g. 0.65.
:texture >>> the SKM material's texture name, e.g. 'Brick666.jpg' or 'nil' if no texture
: xscale >>> the SKM material's texture's xscale or 'nil' if no texture
: yscale >>> the SKM material's texture's yscale or 'nil' if no texture
:avgcolor >>> the SKM material's texture's average-color, e.g. '2837892', or 'nil' if no 'texture'
:attributes >>> the SKM material's attributes as an array, e.g. [[dict,key,value], [dict,key.value],...] or [] if none.
The following are all set to 'nil' if the optional 'folder' is not specified
:extracted_path >>> the path to the extracted SKM 'data', e.g. 'C:\Temp\My_Mat'.
:extracted_thumbnail >>> the extracted SKM's thumnail path, e.g. 'C:\Temp\My_Mat\doc_thumbnail.png'.
:extracted_texture >>> the extracted SKM's texture's path, e.g. 'C:\Temp\My_Mat\Brick666.jpg', or 'nil' if no 'texture'.
So set the SKM data thus: data=SKM.extract('C:\Temp\My Mat.skm', 'C:\Temp')
Then to find the SKM's 'color' you use color=data[:color] >>> [255, 0, 0]
or it's 'alpha' you use alpha=data[:alpha] >>> 0.65 etc.SKM.save_texture_and_thumbnail(path_skm, folder)
It returns the 'sub-folder' if successful or 'nil'.
e.g. SKM.save_texture("C:Temp\My Mat.skm", "C:\Temp\XXX")
>>> C:\Temp\XXX\My_Mat
If the 'folder' does not exist there is an error message.
The 'sub-folder' is named after the SKM [with some characters made
into '_']. The 'sub-folder' contains the SKM's 'texture file' - e.g.
'Brick666.jpg' AND the equivalent thumbnail 'doc_thumbnail.png', if the
SKM has NO texture then there is only the 'doc_thumbnail.png' file in
the 'sub-folder'.
It returns the 'sub-folder' - e.g. C:\Temp\XXX\My_Mat**###########################################################################
By Paypal.com to info @ revitrev.org
1.0 20101129 First issue
1.1 20101202 Now uses .jar and .ini files.
1.2 20101210 General update.
1.3 20101212 SKM.extract and SKM.save_texture_and_thumbnail added.
########################################################################### -
New update here with additional methods... http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=293700#p293700