Inca 4 (Gimp + SketchUp)
Hi there, it's a while I'm not posting here because I sadly had not enough time to spend on SketchUp. I just installed the release 8 and I did this fast concept for warming up and trying to remember shortcuts etc. I then painted over the model using Gimp.
That's basically my usage of SketchUp, a way for laying down the base for paintings -- but I'll probably have to start using it for architectural pre-viz soon and it looks like a fascinating topic! I'll take the time to browse through the forum, I'm sure it's stuffed with useful info and resources
I hope you like it, have a nice time people!
Original post with more images:
Exquisite post processing. would love to see the steps involved
Thanks for the comment
It was quite a fast concept so I didn't save the steps and I kept overwriting the same file. I just have a screen-shot of the project I took when I was starting working on values, here it is :
Have a nice time!
oh, I really like this, great work Andrea!
Impressive work, please keep searing your work here.
Thanks to everyone for the great feedback
Welcome to the forum, Andrea.
Very nice concept.
It's great to see that more concept artists are using Sketchup for their artworks.
Looking forward to seeing more!
My interview with
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art: -
So at the end you paint on a 2D image?
You don't need the entiere 3D painting model for other thing? -
Thanks for the nice feedback James & ken28875
@Pilou : I'm basically a 2D artist, most of the time I use 3D packages to make it easier composing a correct perspective if the subjects are complex or if I don't have enough time. Creating a simple 3D model and repainting it is quite a common time saving task actually
By having this ship as a 3D model I can take as many screenshots as I want, in various light/shadow/fog/perspective/camera settings, and paint over it creating in very few time an effective concept for the subject. SketchUp is very good for that too
thx for the infos!