Is there a plugin like this?
I was thinking of an idea for a plugin I could use for a project I'm working on and was wondering if there is such a plugin. I searched the plugin directory but don't know what it would be called. What I want is a plugin that automatically turns all selected right angles into a specified arch. Is there a plugin like this? I hope I've explained this clearly. Let me know if you don't understand and I will try and explain it. Thanks in advance.
That is called a fillet. There might be a plugin here... I do not use it. You can search for it, or maybe someone knows where to get it it you can't find it here.
it's not round corners/ edges by Fredo 6?
or give an image of what do you want -
Thanks guys! That's it!
Sorry Pilou. Ninja'd. By 18 minutes.
No. I have roundcorner. I needed something to quickly turn a right angle on a 2d surface into an arc. I can do this with the arc tool (very time consuming when I have a lot of arcs to draw) or use TIG's 2d tool's "fillet" which worked perfect. Thanks TIG!
It's for this you must always post an image with the asked questions!
Ya, I'm sorry about that Pilou. I'll do that from now on.