Bricscad or Progecad
It's been a long time since I was on the forum!
I'm looking at alternatives to Autocad and these two,Progecad and Bricscad, in the Intellicad family look as though they are the best options. Does anyone have opinions on either of them or other alternatives?
Hi Jeremy.
I still think QCad is worth a look at, despite v3 taking years to appear. It's only $40 too.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Bricscad turns out like, after they finally release it for Mac.
Failing that, there's ARES/Dassault's free effort that's just come out. Shame there is no AutoCAD LT for me (I'm also on the lookout for a decent 2D app- but for Mac).
Hi Tom
The trouble with Qcad is that it doesn't seem to use the dwg format. I still need to be able to transfer drawings in and out.
I think ProgeCAD is better with more options - raster to vector with WinTopo, PDF underlay, PDF export with layers, publish to Google Earth, 11000 blocks, Express tools, official portable version and both are so much faster and responsive than AutoCAD! AutoCAd 2011 is awful, bloataware, slow and buggy!
I've actually been quite impressed with AutoCAD 2011 for Mac. It also has functions that are missing in Windows!;
Coming from the Anti-Mac Archangel himself, Ralph Grabowski, that's quite impressive!
I just need ยฃ4500 when the time limit runs out!
Now I'm looking forward to Autodesk releasing Mac LT.Jeremy, QCad exports (and imports too) R12 DXF. Again, I've had no problem whatsoever, importing and exporting to and from both QCad and AutoCAD 2011.
I am a BricsCad user but have not used ProgeCad. I've been very pleased with BricsCad and their development - they seem to stay on top of current compatibility with Acad as well as new features requested by the users.
@mtnarch said:
I am a BricsCad user but have not used ProgeCad. I've been very pleased with BricsCad and their development - they seem to stay on top of current compatibility with Acad as well as new features requested by the users.
How do You dimension a circle in the paper space - seems impossible?
I use an old version of Autocad (2000) and am used to the radius in paper space problem and have got used to tracing an arc in paper space!
On Progecad I can see there is an improvement on that. On the other hand when I tried to change units under format, a text command box appears and I have options 1 through 4. It gave me a flashback to my DOS days. At a quick glance UI is far better in Bricscad.
In ProgeCAD there is no problem to put the radius in the paper space - i mean to put dimension when annotating, not when drawing circles or arcs. But in ProgeCAD dimensions are not associative. In BricsCAD is very easy to change the layer's color - as in AutoCAD 2010 and up - via the drop-down menu - in ProgeCAD You have to use the layer's palette. Another option is ZWCAD - it is the closest clone of AutoCAD.
And both are very responsive - from AutoCAD 2009 and up the interface is getting cluttered and slower. There is a lag in the menus and dialog boxes - especially Lyres palette when there are many lyres.
@dedmin said:
How do You dimension a circle in the paper space - seems impossible?
BricsCAD just released an update that fixes this (I just tried it and it works as it should).
Thanks - and they have a Platinum version now. With some 3D "improvements", though 3D in BricsCAD is a joke.