i have digitized contours from a PDF file into SU 7.1 and have set each one at its assigned elevation. Using the sandbox tool produces the terrain. However, the terrain does not completely match the contour lines. Some depressions are filled and ridges are sometimes ignored.
Paul Raymond
Hi Paul,
This mostly happens when in the contour lines there are too long, unbroken edges (not curves but straight). The sandbox from contour will connect endpoints with the closest it finds (no matter if it therefore "skips" a neighbouring edge as it is straight and there's no endpoint on it to connect). The solution here is to divide these too long, straight lines (right click > divide...) with a necessary number of endpoints so that the tool does not skip them.
The other fault is generally created when there are too steep slopes (or rather retaining walls with verticals). The contour tool will not create these properly.
Thank you so much. What a simple solution...
Does it mean it worked? (I was actually just stabbing in the dark a bit - only relying on experience but without the file itself, I could not be sure...)