Flattery plug in problem
I downloaded the Flattery folder and the flattery rb. Both appear in the plug ins file, but in SU, the plug in is not listed. When I extracted the file in Win Zip, I did not extract the file named MACOSX thinking that that is a Mac file into the plug ins foler. But the other files I did. Is that related to the problem of not seeing it listed in plug ins in SU?Thanks
SU 7 Windows XP -
Hi arcaterra, that Mac thing is indeed NOT needed. I don't have the plugin itself so know nothing about it just letting you know this bit.
The file structure is messed up in the zip file. You want this folder:
Flattery-1.0\Flattery\flattery and the flattery.rb file. And you can delete any .svn folder. There is a .svn folder in the final flattery folder. That's why you see those green and red circler revision icons.-Kwok