Please help me!!
@nguhait said:
Hi everyone! i'm doing a project for school, and i really don't know how to make this water closet in sketchup, so that is why i'm here asking for help. If anyone have some spare time and can help me make this toilet into sketchup model. Big Thanks!!!
How detailed does it need to be?
Have you tried searching 3D Warehouse?
It don't have to be too detail, i did search through 3d warehouse but can't find anything look close to it.
This one is not so faraway, just make the sides
i tried but it don't turned out to be any close to the Anyone can help me on this???
Well, nguhait, people around here are really willing to help, but posting your exact problem with that model would be the best way to learn something IMHO.
my main problem is i don't really know to make a rounded shaped, i'm just start using SU. Is there any tutorial of how to make this kind of shape? Anyways, thank you for everyone comment! This forum have helped me a lot for last fews months, and you guys are all very helpful!!
You could try to use the DWG files located on the Geberit site, search for Aquaclean 8000, and use the front, top and side views available for the curves that form the main shape - front view contours at the back, top at th etop and side at the center from back to front, then use Curviloft with these contours. Then maybe you could use Tools on Surface, Joint Push Pull and Roundcorner to model some details. You can find all plugins in the Index topic.
AFAIK there is no "toilet" tutorial, but there are many other that will help you get familiar with basic SU operations, and there are lots of plugins around here ( with video tutorials ) that you can use to create all kinds of shapes - like Fredo6´s Curviloft and Whaat´s