⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Reading external files
chosen_file is a external file. I would like to search the chosen_file line by line for "XXXX", then save the next line in the data array. How do I increment the read file pointer to the next line?
aFile = File.open(chosen_file, "r") Data = [] #Search each line for "XXXX" aFile.each_line do |line| If line == "XXXX" #if found #How do I get next_line, to save to Data Data.push next_line end end aFile.close
? -
The following generates error message:
undefined method ‘read_line’ for #<File:C:TEST.DAT>
aFile = File.open(chosen_file, "r") aFile.each_line do |line| aFile.read_line end aFile.close
Will let you do what you want, line by line or not, no pointer, no nothing
Didier, Thanks. I will try that when I go to the office later today
Well, that created an array of the whole file. Can I just get the next (n) line? I can do it with a counter as attached, but the code gets complicated when searching for many different line descriptions.
aFile = File.open(chosen_file, "r") SaveIt = [] count = 0 line_location = -1 aFile.each_line do |line| count = count + 1 if line == "xxxx" #calculate the location of the next line line_location = count + 1 #test if location and current line match else if line_location == count SaveIt.push line end end end aFile.close
.../... array_of_lines=IO.readlines(chosen_file) saveIt = [] skipNext=false 0.upto(array_of_lines.length-1) { |i| if line[i] == "xxxx" and !skipNext saveIt.push(array_of_lines[i+1]) skipNext=true else skipNext=false end } .../...
:-0....now I get it, thanks.