Day 1 Photos
I've added names an maybe a quick note to all my photos from day 1 of the event and uploaded them to my Picasa account. Check it out here:
I'll add them to the group pool later when I get authorization. PLEASE help with names if there are people that I skipped.
Oh I should mention the schedule for day 1:
10:00am - 1:00pm Registration and brunch. Meet and greet other attendees.
1:00pm - 3:00pmKeynote address - They announced SketchUp version 8 and demo'd it.
5:00pm - we all broke up into groups of people with like interests and went out to dinner. Some groups included the Ruby group (that I attended (see the pics I posted above)), Landscape Architects, Arch. Vis., Beta Testers, Beer Tasters, and a bunch more that I have already forgottenIf anyone is interested, I'm sure some of the other folks will rememeber the other dinner groups.
you gonna put these also in the picasa thing of gaieus?
Are there any videos from Sketchup Basecamp 2010?
Thank you for the names: I "met" several people that I didn't get a chance to meet while there.
Bob, I kept meaning to come over and talk to you but got distracted. Sorry we did not officially meet but I am glad I saw you there.
Me too, Eric. I now realise there were peeps there that frequent this place. Would have been nice to spend more time to meet these guys....
Great photos - really helps a lot for those of us that are newer to the community.
Basecamp 2012
I swear I took a million photos, at least one of each person. But as I'm going through them, I see that I missed a LOT of people that I thought I had. ALSO, name tags?!, worthless. They are all covered up, turned over, or taken off. almost every one of my photos has no visible name tags in it
I was really counting on those to help me rememeber names. So a HUGE apology to people whose names I've forgotten - many of whom I spoke with at length about SketchUp or life or anything in between.
Day 2 photos are currently uploading, I'll post them shortly.