Material in the model - dumb newbie question - help!
I have been really struggling with this and just cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I have set up a dynamic component to click through material colors on a click. I created a swatch with the colors as directed in the tutorial, made it a component and used the outliner tool to make sure it was connected. But it is acting like I have no materials in my model. I get the message "#=Material not in model:" and then the message scrolls through my materials as I click.
I tried searching on the error message and on anyone having trouble getting their colors or materials to "stick" to their component, but I feel like an idiot because it seems I am the only one with this problem.
So I am finally giving up and asking for help. Any suggestions?
OK, nevermind - after sleeping on it I realized that I had read in the forum somewhere that a grandparent cannot take on the attributes of a grandchild, that the parent has to make a bridge between the two. When I created my "swatch" component, it because a grandchild of my dynamic component. Today I built the bridge, put the material info on the swatch (grandchild) level, referencing the swatch material in my parent level and referencing my parent material at the grandparent level - it works like a charm!!!