.children's store.
This a really great presentation, and you really have placed the camera well in each scene, ant that long rectilinear shape makes it quiet difficult. Congrats.
Just wondering, did the designer include any space for kids in the store? -
Jason, nice style you got going on! lovely details. could you post wireframe of model?
those practically are wireframes, oli
dale.. there is no space for kids... but this particular store is actually for slightly older..like teenage, i believe.
Nice presentation style Jason. In the right hands raw SU can be very effective and these images prove this. I'm just wondering if the name of the store might be changed to 'Down To Earth Teens'?
Simple but effective..Only comment is that the clothing looks way too big for children. It looks like adult clothing compare the size of the clothing to the little girl. I guess I would have varied the size of the clothing so it was not so uniform. Just my 2 cents.
Great work Jason.
are the folded tshirts on the table in the middle modeled or drawn in post pro?
yeah...the clothing certainly could've been done better.. i really just chose one thing and used it throughout (obviously) so that it was more of a graphic element..
liam.. the hanging stuff and folded shirts are both from FormFonts...
@marked001 said:
yeah...the clothing certainly could've been done better.. i really just chose one thing and used it throughout (obviously) so that it was more of a graphic element..
liam.. the hanging stuff and folded shirts are both from FormFonts...
well it looks really nice closing the boundary between concept art and 3D diagram!
that's why I asked for wireframe, I couldn't understand the geometry of the clothing! nice one
@unknownuser said:
In the right hands raw SU can be very effective and these images prove this.
I couldnt agree more with this statement.
I think as pure sketchup images these are fantastic. Clean and simple images easy to read, enough detail to convey the design of the space but not too much to clutter the scene. The subtle use of slected colours is also a very nice touch, as are your choice of camera angles.Great work!
A usual, well done.
Hi, Great work! Though, having kids myself, i'd say that the sharp angling tables on the 3rd and 4th picture are quiet scary to me. Especially when you see the little 2d girl's head at the very same level that these hard corners. I'd suggest to push the feet of the tables at their end on their very sides.
Thank you for reading my poor english (i'm french by the way)