Scifi Sketchup Modeling
@liam887 said:
compared to retail price.
Ah...key words there.
The retail price is something like $1000, right? I really am only a teenager with about $300 saved up...Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think I have enouh, or even if I do, would want to spend 3/4 of my money.
$250 for Photoshop CS5 thats the bargain of the century when it retails for around $1000!!!! I would get onto that straight away its a worthwhile investment.
Well, it's not gonna go away any time soon, so I'll try the trial first.
I might buy it, but I'm really interested in just the 3d modeling part, not the touching up of renders. Dunno yet.
in that case you should think about buying this for around the same price, the complete autodesk suite did a bit more on the hanger scene just moving objects around before I start with the materials.
HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS THINKING ABOUT BUYING 3DSMAX????? XD Wow, tht IS a great deal. I was going to get the student version from Autdesk for free, but, being a homeschooled student, it's a hassle. I might buy this. Thanks very much for the link, greatly appreciated.
well if your interested in 3D modeling your bound to progress onto one of the big three most likley and then max and maya are the only one you can get really cheap as far as I am aware.
Anyway hangar mostly done, now for the hard parts making materials and filling it with light, two things I have no clue about
Anyway Ive flipped the roof to show the details up there.
I think I can help you with the light in your hangar. If you put a mesh on the ceiling and paint it with ies meshlight from the materials section in Kerky (Edit it to your liking) it'll light up the whole place. Or, keeping it simple, position your view (Also in Kerky) and add a spotlight.
I will try the 'ie meshlight' no use with a spotlight the hangar can only be lit by actual lightbulbs save the light that will come in from the deck above.
the lighting test is still rendering but it doesn't look like it has worked
, did this in the meantime!
That's really amazing work, mate. I love the motion blur.
Yeah, it'll show if it did work, at the start of the render. So you might as well terminate the render thread. I might be using the computer today so I'll test it out and see what I can do; if I get it working I'll tell you how to do it. -
Well these are pretty old but relevant to this thread, found them while looking through my drive on Adobe Bridge. Did them years ago for a competition over on scifi meshes I think, taking sketchup up against the big boys using max and lightwave etc. I didnt win of course but it was fun. here they are anyway, concept was some sort of asteroid harvester, basically chews them up in the big grinders and processes the material in the big factory tubey thing in the back, never finished it and has been banished to the hard drive but maybe one day!
Also since im going back to Uni in september ill be carrying on with my epic animation lol. This has been going on for a while (understatement its been years) but ive continued to improve over the years so things keep getting rebuilt, re drawn and re animated all the time. Anyway here are some of the models ive built all using sketchup (except for 2!). You will have to bear with me this will be a barrage of imagery im only going to post half of the models anyway and the character models are nowhere near done yet im saving them for september when I can use the goliath PC's that uni keep locked away
A few are already posted in this thread im going back to delete them soon, better to have them all in one place. You can tell how my modeling's progressed the new ones are full of detail where as the old ones I would cheat by achieving detail through textures as I lacked the skills to model them,
nothing to say but WOW
your work is incredible WOW
Hi Liam, I just remembered that I actually do have photoshop. Don't know why I forgot...
well ive forgotten why I asked you if you did lol?
put some more models up on my blog getting in the practice before its uni time once again...
navigate by the page links at the top got some new avatar and halo project screens -
Holy fracking frak, dude! If you were to post tutorials, I'd become your eager acolyte and sing your praises daily! Is all your 3D work in sketchup? Do you render with that kukythera?
That first one, the asteroid miner, looks a lot like the bayern, the first ship I plan to do in sketchup.
I noticed you use XP. When you go to a skp file does it show a preview of the object in it? My XP system does, but when I use my vistugh system it just shows a generic icon for skp files. I wish I g=could get vistugh to show previews of skp files like XP does.
I do post tutorials, well only two so far! There is a link to my blog in my signature and form there navigate to my tutorials page. Yes it is all done in Sketchup and rendered in kerkythea although I also use podium occasionally.
I do use XP but only for 3dsmax and games all this work is done on a MAC so no I dont get any thumbnail previews something I wish the MAC did have!
I will write any tutorials if it can help anybody so if there is something in particular you want to know then let me know. Got two months of nothing to do right now so happy to help anybody if I can.
What is the 'bayern' the ship I made was original although sometimes when I make things they are from previous imagery jumbled up in my head lol. -
Amazing work as usual mate, your patience to do all of this is excellent. Quick question, is most of your halo animation work from imagination? What I mean is this, obviously not a lot of the objects have been created by bungie themselves, so do you get plans from other people off of the internet, or do you essentially create the object yourself. For example, the mobile repair yard has no actual graphical representation as far as I am aware, so did you design this yourself from the books?
@hobbnob said:
Amazing work as usual mate, your patience to do all of this is excellent. Quick question, is most of your halo animation work from imagination? What I mean is this, obviously not a lot of the objects have been created by bungie themselves, so do you get plans from other people off of the internet, or do you essentially create the object yourself. For example, the mobile repair yard has no actual graphical representation as far as I am aware, so did you design this yourself from the books?
Yeas out of the 130 or so models only about five or six are actual official works and concepts the rest from my good old brain. It is patience but its mostly practice that I then apply to my actual work. Working on a Xbox360 game at the moment so haven't had much time for messing about would like to do some work for that but not using sketchup unfortunately it would be impossible.