Hobbnob's WIP Thread
i would make the doors as separate components, easier to add the details that way. Plus then you can open/close them etc for renders. Remember what I said about splitting the model up? anyway its a good start, on your serenity model I think you should re-model the landing gear too.
Oh yeah, didn't think of the component thing on the doors, I'll do it. As for the serenity, yeah that shouldn't be a problem, the landing gear really does need work.
Liam887, I remodelled the landing gear:
Also done a bit of work on the panther, according to my video editing software I have been working on the model for about an hour and 20 minutes:
Looking nice. Though ATM it looks somewhat push pulled. Though very nice nonetheless.
The panther looks pushpulled because it was pushpulled, but that does not mean it's all flat faces trust me. Instead of a pic this time, I am embedding a video, of the panther in action. I'm not sure how long the sound will hold out because of copyright stuff, but it wasn't too bad for a first try I think. Please give me your opinions on how I can improve with making videos, and whether you think thsi particular video could be improved in any way.
[flash=400,320:yogdjigf]http://www.youtube.com/v/kmqrzOKTh6o&hl[/flash:yogdjigf] -
Wow, that's not bad at all!
Thinking that you ought to make the cuts a bit quiker-paced, ie: Less time in one shot without the car...Very nice nonetheless!!
Thanks golden, I'll keep that in mind. btw the footage of the two panthers racing is actually from a specially modified version of the super special stage, my entry for wacov's track contest. I've created the weapon system and am currently calibrating it to be comfortable and stress free for whoever is firing it.
Motor Sketch-Battle Royal edition...XD
@hobbnob said:
I've created the weapon system and am currently calibrating it to be comfortable and stress free for whoever is firing it.
Dont quite catch your drift there, can you elaborate?
I am in the process of creating a remote controlled machinegun on top of the vehicle, and I'm making it easy for the user to hit targets, which means proper zoom (think the kind used by a digital camera) and controls that move slower the more you zoom in, meaning that the user can define how precise he wants his shots to be when firing.
Thats awesome
Wow, sound like mucho scripting is in order
In short yes
In full though. . .
push([0,0,-1]) if key("e")==1 and getVar("moding")==0 then setVar("mode",getVar("mode")-1) setVar("moding",1)end if key("e")==0 then setVar("moding",0)end if getVar("mode")<0 then setVar("mode",2)end if key("up")==1 then Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.fov=Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.fov-1 end if key("down")==1 then Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.fov=Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.fov+1;end; if key("space")==1 then Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.fov=40;end; if getVar("mode")==1 then ###TURRET### setVar("turretT",-(0.5-leftx)) if key("w")==1 then setVar("height",getVar("height")+0.1*(Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.fov))end if key("s")==1 then setVar("height",getVar("height")-0.1*(Sketchup.active_model.active_view.camera.fov))end end if key("f")==1 then createParticle(this.bounds.center, 20, $particle3D, 4, [0,0,0], 0, 1.02, "Gray", 0.9, 100)end
Scripting sounds fun...
lol believe it or not its' quite simple with a bit of practice. To avoid the inevitable boredom caused by me explaining scripting I shall divulge a couple more pictures of the serenity:
Watched the film again, and saw some major placement and scale issues on the landing gear, so fixed that:Also did a bit more work on the 'neck'
Very nice, it's looking better and better every day. Only one complaint: In the "Neck" you seem to have "Smooshed" meshes into each other, and that is a rather messy way of going around it. I would suggest "Stitching" the meshes together, for a nicer finished product. Still, I think it's going quite nicely!
thanks goldenfrog, I've intersected the bits and put them all together now
Any work on the Pather or it's video?
Yep, but not the video. I mentioned earlier about the weapon system, so far i've been concentrating on the sketchyphysics side of the weapon system, so expect a bit more progress on the static:
A quick example of the zoom now, the model has lazyscript plugged in, which I have used to almost completely eliminate bullet drop, making long range shooting a lot easier.
Looks intriguing, but I can't give you an evaluation of your work, because I haven't played it.