SUp & FotoSketcher
This Fotosketcher?
Yup, that very one...
I have to say, I prefer your native su output. The fotosketch versions are trying too hard to be something they are not, ie: actual hand drawings, I'm sure most people would be fooled, but is that a good thing?
The native su's, on t'other hand are more honest imho.
I use sketchy styles myself for presentations, my favorites are the collection donated by 'spdesign drawing'
baz, I must agree with you-it's not a good thing to fool clients.
I have seen wonderful stuff posted here where FS was used. It really is a matter of skill, and it's fair enough, as software "maketh not the man". My attempts are too simplstic, merely push-one-button stuff, I must admit...
Leaving that aside, they seemed decent enough renderings, and I thought I might collect opinions as to how they can fare. I'm always on the hunt for new ways of presenting stuff, especially NPR. I do quite a bit of hand rendering too, but it's not always possible, hence the predilection for (quick) "hand-drawn"-style images.
My native SUp output has to thank the person who contributed the "Pencil Edges with Whiteout Border" style in the Style Buider Competition Winners series. The name escapes me, but I'm sure someone can mention it here as well. It's a wonderful style I use a lot!
I've also checked out the style series you mention, they also rock! And the image you've posted is fab... eucalyptus? -
The "Pencil Edges with Whiteout Border" can be found here
Anastassis, (do you have a nickname?, that typing just did my head in:).
re; fotosketch, well you said 'one click'... nough said.....i'm not agin it. but....
.. id love to see an example of your hand renders, they do maketh the person."maketh not the man" where is that from? whats the full quote?
eucalypt yes, thanks, you have them there?
check out samprocess, a ninja of npr. -
"manners maketh a man" is an english proverb so far as I know...
eucalyptus trees-abundant in Greece love to boil the leaves and inhale deeply!
my hand renders-nothing special either, still trying to polish my skills, here are two recent ones.
Oh, just for today's odd info, eucalyptus is a Greek word!
Michelle Morelan is my rendering mentor. She has been kind enough to mention the patio render on her blog, schematic life, as well. Of course my renderings come nowhere near hers!
I like all the styles. Even SketchUp has borrowed its basic styles from past art. (I am NOT implying plagerism by any means)
It's the same with all artists. You have to study other styles before you can become good and those other styles will "leak" through into whatever you do.
The first illustration reminds me of architectural sketches from the 1960s. I grew up on that kind of style and it was one of the things that made me want to be a designer. (John Berkey and Syd Mead were other big influences)
Pen, pencil and marker/watercolor will always have a fond place in heart. I have seen incredible miracles performed with just those.
BTW, cute kitchen. Reminds me of a few I've lived in.
I honestly think your marker work is worlds better then anything done by fotosketcher. What wrong with using sketchup as an aid with a rotoscope/trace job?
@rogueparker said:
I honestly think your marker work is worlds better then anything done by fotosketcher. What wrong with using sketchup as an aid with a rotoscope/trace job?
me too, tho if i were trying to sell the 'project' i would still vote for the raw su.
baz -
Thank You!
Hey Anstvam do you follow "a schematic life" blog, the stuff you posted looks familiar.