Select Component Instances
To all the script writing geniuses amoung us...
Could somone please write a script in which it might be possible to run the 'select component instances' process from the right mouse context menu or else allow one to create a keyboard short cut to do this...
At the moment, in a large model with loads of custom made and standard components, i'm finding it a bit time consuming to open up the component menu, trawl through my components 'in model' and do it from there...
If it could be put into the standard right mouse context menu, it would be great to have it near the existing component related items i.e. edit component, make unique, explode etc etc. I'm thinking one could simply choose a reference component and run the tool / shortcut to choose all other instances...
Judging by the other fantastic and mathmatically complex scripts out there, this one shouldn't be too difficult...
Alternatively, if anyone knows of an existing plugin that offers this function, please point me to it.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for that dedmin...
I was going to ask for it to be isolated i.e not in a group of other tools but i see from tom's explanation that his toolbar can be customized, so this looks like the perfect thing!
On the odd chance you don't need all of Tom's selection tools, you can get Instances from Smustard.