Watermarks or... static images?
A number of models I've seen (including TIG's models, which have a logo, and the google tutorials, which have those notepad sort of things) have static images on the model. These images can be, apparently, altered between scenes, but they can't be selected, are not altered under rotation, camera view, or orbiting, and are v. cool.
How is this done?
Go to Window/Styles/Edit/Watermark Settings.
You can follow a little wizard that will setup what you want.
@unknownuser said:
Go to Window/Styles/Edit/Watermark Settings.
You can follow a little wizard that will setup what you want.
Ahhh, perfect. So, the watermark is any image, specified as part of the style, and the style is specified as part of the scene.
I'd presume that the google tutorial images were created via Layout.
Thanks so much.