Extrude a cone along a spiral
I'm trying to draw what can simply be described as a cone along a spiral shape. The cone doesn't need to go to a point, just the radius of the starting circle needs to progressively get smaller along the extrusion.
So far I've only been able to get the "follow me" function to extrude a cylinder along the spiral. Many searches and a few ruby script downloads haven't helped...can you?
Make a cone with the Follow Me tool or with the 3D Shapes Tool http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/RubyLibraryDepot/Ruby/em_geo_page.htm, or draw a cylinder first and scale its upper surface uniformly about the center.
Then you can apply the Shape Bender, as suggested above, or FredoScale radial bend http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=17948&hilit=plugin
Or, depending on how "twisted" you want it to be, you can take a look at this one http://www.armanisoft.ch/webdesign/spiralizer/Spiralizer.html
Edit: if you are running the free version of SU7, and if you decide to use Spiralizer, you´ll need a plugin to import its .dxf files into SU http://sketchup.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=161784&&hl=en -
Thanks, I did wind up finding the "taper tool" elsewhere in this forum and that did the trick. I'll try these methods too...
Taper tool is inside Fredoscale
there's also taper maker plugin.
For what you want to do, I think that the easiest ways are :
1 - draw metal
2 - pathface
3 - extrudeedgesbyface
4 - Extrude Edges by RailsA quick video of the differences between them :