Help for a newbie
1 go to top view and make a rectangle bigger than your house, dbl-click then group it, move/copy it up snapping it to each line level
2 triple click house, intersect with model
3 delete all rectangle groups
On mine it made the lines on the inside too...
you could cut a hole in the rectangle first if you want to get fancy.
Ok, I got the lines copied, now I made the original wall more detailed and I want to make the other walls like that. All the outside walls that are part of the main decagon should get that design. How do I do that?
Updated model with another wall done to show you what I mean. I'm doing this manually right now, but still looking for a faster way.
this is actually how the whole thing could/should have been built (when building something symmetric its a good way to work)to start with but...
1 delete sections but one, make the remaining one a group (or component if you want future edits to auto update all sections)
2 find the center of the decogon, select and use the rotate/copy tool to copy the first section adjacent to the first
3 type x11
is there a single tool called rotate/copy or do I use the 2 separate tools?
use the rotate tool and press ctrl so you see a plus beside it just like the move tool.
if you look at my image2 in my other post you'll see the plus sign.
Alright, thanks. It ended up a bit weird, but I fixed it.
Forsooth. Methinks thou art modeling yon Globe theater. I attend on your results with aniticipation rife with Joy. Zounds!
Yeah it's an extra credit project for lit class