Nektares those images are amazing and are the type of images I would love to produce - totally inspiring for me - very well done
sketchnl, Andrija Posarić, Starling75, thanks a lot for the kind words.
i think it could be a bit darker indeed, thanks for the crit
being picky is not a bad thing, we should all strive for excellenceBroomstick:
Im using a quad core Q6600, 4gb ram, intel motherboard, 512 MB Nvida 8600GT
i had a 9800 GX2 of 1gb but i killed it playig crysis at full reshahaha
The render took like 1 hour n_n and the model is 75 Mb, with all the details
and textures, the trick relies on using simple, well textured models on the back
and hi-poly models on the front. See you can ruin a hi-poly model with
a bad texture, but make a low-poly model look great with a good texture.
Light is very important too, and having the exact amout of HsPH and samples so
your renders don´t take longer than what they should. i used irradiance map
and light cache for this render, and took me about 8 hours to model.
i hope this helped clearing your doubts, thanks for the comments!Stefan:
Thank you! im very glad you like it! no rectangular or omni lights on this one.
It´s all Global Illumination, that´s why its so uniformthe magic is on the
GIim just a puny human that loves SketchUp and Vray n_n and yes! i will
be posting more, thanks for the supportcheers!
Thank you so much for the reply, you also told me something I needed to know: I am buying a quad core in the near future and wanted to know what kind video card get with it. Now I know, thanks to you. And yes you're spot on on textures: I remember the iclone models from the warehouse.. they look so real and yet they are so low poly it's incredible, really.
Thanks again for all the information, i hope to be posting something nice myself too in the next few days
Bromstick: the 8000 series from Nvidia are not bad, but I bought it as a temporary graphics card, 9000 series just got replaced by some new series I can't recall right now, but I suggest you to take a look at the 9000 series, like. a 9800
they should be affordable and have a better performance than the 8000 series, check out the benchmarks and comparisons on some dedicated sites, or ask on the general section what's the best graphic card choice for sketchup, an nvidia 8600 is not bad, but I'm sure you can get something better
good luck!
Holy Shnykies this looks good! Great job, you should give us all a VRay Lighting Tutorial
Nektares , can you make tuto for your dof vray sketchup
Stunning level of detail there mate, and matched by some very nice material uses!
My only comments would be ditch the dirty thongs at the shower entry and the blue towel seems a little out of place with the colour scheme!
@unknownuser said:
Thank you! im very glad you like it! no rectangular or omni lights on this one.
It´s all Global Illumination, that´s why its so uniform the magic is on the
GI im just a puny human that loves SketchUp and Vray n_n and yes! i will
be posting more, thanks for the support cheers!thanks for the info about lighting, these are bloody superb renders. although i find the towel a bit distracting, its a very well textured towel though!! im just nit picking, excellent work, wish I could do interiors like this!!!
wow! I never seen a better interior render in sketchup! You are great!
JHuman, robert111 Thanks and..
This are the settings for light, they work on V-ray 1.0
but i took some screen shots in case you are using a newer one.
Here´s the file:
int settings
and screenshots:
I tried to balance the general color scheme by adding some cold
colors to the bathroom, in details like the towels, so it was not
completely warm n_n i can see your point, maybe some orange/yellow
towels would have been more pleasant to youthanks for your comments!
Thank you very much, and well i think i tell you the same i told Richard
about the towels, you will do better interiors, if you want to n_n
Unbelievable!!! The renders are so good I'm not sure what to say
Thanks for sharing your setup.
Keep'em coming! -
Thx for sharing *.visopt (and reply), your render are very inspiring
Thanks for sharing, nektares, very much appreciated!
As for your renders... -
I am still wondering how did you map the texture of the towel?
you are welcomenumbthumb
your user image always makes me jiggle n_nKarinaGM
i used Deep Exploration CAD edition
import max models and save them as
google sketchup, mapped in Deep Exploration,
then i link the texture in SketchUp and voila! -
Hehe, thanks, nektares, I´ll try to post more often
Thanks again for explaining your workflow (deep exploration is on my to-do list)
BTW I see you´re using CityEngine?
Cheers! -
I´m always happy to help!
I downloaded it to try it out n_n as bonzai but i didn´t
see too much use for it, and its like $5,000 usd hahaha
so no thanksit´s designed for urban designers, and
im much more into single houses and their interiorscheers mate!
nektares , i need free Note Camera Point script plz , to realize DOF for sketchup
Hey Robert! unfortunately i have not seen the note camera point plug-in for free
i payed for mine at smustard, i dont remember the cost but it was very cheap n_n.
I suggest you to buy it there if you really need it, but i must say i did not use
it for this render, i prefer using the Zdepth VFB channel with Pshop lens blur.
I made a quick tutorial since i'm in a rush, you see my mom cooked some delicious
food and i have go and eat it ASAP. i hope this helps!see, you first have to include the Zdepth to export with your render
that´s how one of those look
Then when your render is done and you saved it
open the images in Pshop and add the Zdepht map
as a channel, and change its name.remember to
hide it clicking on the eye on the left side
of the channel, that way channel is off but still there
Then just go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur
Here´s where you select the Zdepth channel
you have just added as a depthmap.
then just adjust to get the desired effect.
excuse me nektares but how do Zdepht map in Chanal in photoshop , i dont know that.