Painting a Model
Hi, I've been at this for a while (trying to get this model painted) but the Paint Bucket doesn't seem to want to do it, I've watched a couple of Youtube videos all saying the same thing and read a few in-text as well, still no success with using the Paint Bucket, can anyone demystify what I could be doing wrong?
I load up the model, click on the paint bucket, it brings up the Materials menu, select a texture, then click on the model and still nothing happens?
It could be a problem where you are tying to paint a component or group that already has a material applied directly to the internal faces. If you upload the file here we'll take a look at it,
Hi GenX,
It can be several things from video display problems to you trying to paint a group/component whose faces "inside" are already painted. Can you share the model? (Upload attachment below the text area you are writing your post).
Well, Chris has beaten me but still...
Ah yeah, and welcome!
Ok guys, here it is.
I should add that this is not my model. Also, utimately what I'm trying to do is practice using the thomthom's UV Mapping plugin. The issue there (where his plugin was concerned) is that it won't work with surfaces of just solid colors, from my understanding? A textured material needs to be allied to the model before it can work? But that can't happen until I can get the paint bucket to work properly. -
Yup, that is a problem where internal faces and groups have had a material applied to them already, so you can simply apply a material to the outermost component and change the overall color. It is fairly simple to fix on this model though. Activate the paint bucket tool. And make sure you are viewing "In Model" materials in the materiaal browser (by clicking on the little house icon in the maerial browser). Now hold down Alt (on a PC) to turn it to the paint sampling tool (a little eyedropper icon). Then with click on the red to sample the red color. The Material browser will highlight the selected color. Now right click on it and delete it. And tell it to move all materaisl to the default color. You should see that the rear area is still red. So do the same thing - alt click on it to highlight that material in the material browser. The right click on that material in the browser and delete it.
Now in this model there is a problem where the car is all painted with a semi-transparent black color. This is because there is a sub component that has been painted with this color. To fix it, in the material browser, choose the default material ( a small icon in the upper right side of the material browser). Now apply that to the car. Now switch to the select tool and double click on the car to dig down into the outer component. Activate the paint bucket tool and paint the default color again. Then select tool, double click to dig down 1 more leve, then paint it the default color. Do that over and over (about 5 or 6 times in this modl). Eventually you will see all the car turn to a nice white color. That is what you want. Now exit all the componet edit modes we got into by activating the select tool and double clicking outside the model many times until you are completely outside the car components.
Now you should be ready to just apply any color to the outside of the car and it will paint the entire car in one shot. Sorry that was so long to explain, I hope it makes sense. I might just do a quick video to show how to do it - it might make more sense to see it in video than to try and read these instructions.
ok, I did a quick video. There is no audio. And I tried to do it more or less exactly like I described.
Nice color configurator
I want one strawberies milk crashed -
I can tell by the sheer speed of the video that you're a professional. Thanks!