Dovetails The Easy Way
Check out this sneak preview.
[flash=400,318:vr6nxpiu][/flash:vr6nxpiu]If my embedding doesn't work, try this link .
Notice that the half-socket is cut at the top of the groove for the bottom.A formal announcement will be coming. Perhaps even later today.
Dave, I look forward to it!
At the risk of being a pedant, I'd point out that "half-pins" refers more to the shape than the actual size as a half pin - if using narrow pins - can be a very weak thing, especially at the end of a row.
Chris, indeed a half pin that is really half the width of a full pin would be very weak. My only comment was that the half socket is made automatically.
That's nice. In my case, I've already written a script that creates DT's parametrically. It is much faster and gives me exactly the configuration that I desire.
Much faster than the plugin I demonstrated?
@david. said:
That's nice. In my case, I've already written a script that creates DT's parametrically. It is much faster and gives me exactly the configuration that I desire.
Sounds great - care to share it?
@dave r said:
Much faster than the plugin I demonstrated?
Umm, yes. I have no drawing to do.
Regarding sharing my plugin, I haven't shared anything because I'm not sure about how I can control piracy with certainty. I'm a capitalist at heart. So, I like to get paid for work that I do.
@david. said:
@dave r said:
Much faster than the plugin I demonstrated?
Umm, yes. I have no drawing to do.
Regarding sharing my plugin, I haven't shared anything because I'm not sure about how I can control piracy with certainty. I'm a capitalist at heart. So, I like to get paid for work that I do.
In that case, are you selling it?
Could You post some video demonstration - just to see it in action?
You might have a better tool but I prefer the one that is available. But I wonder if a person needing certainty against piracy over a little plugin in a forum for a select group of enthusiasts can come up with anything well concieved really.Francois
I agree Francois. There seems little point to me in even mentioning a plugin you've written, especially comparing it to and claiming it is better than something that is actually available if you aren't going to share it or at least demonstrate it. As far as the rest of us are concerned your plugin might as well not exist.
For what it is worth, I did a longer demo of the plugin I demonstrated in the original post and there's a link to the plugin site here .
Maybe it's a doveTALE plugin!
I think the guy needs a dictionary or Economics 101. Someone who won't demo or sell his stuff is not a capitalist, he's the kid in the playground who says "I know something you don't!"
@chrisjk said:
I think the guy needs a dictionary or Economics 101. Someone who won't demo or sell his stuff is not a capitalist, he's the kid in the playground who says "I know something you don't!"
This is ridiculous. Frankly, I don't have time to support all of the whiners that would come out of the wood works if I were to sell my plugins. Whether you believe me or not is your problem, not mine. I've written software for a good portion of my life in a corporate environment, so I'm familiar with the support issues (eg, "oh, can you add this feature?, then add this other feature?, or can you change this feature just for me?, ...). SketchUp plugin development is not my job, I do it to help my own design/production work. So, I don't have time nor the desire to deal with trying manage a plugin development business. And, as I said initially, I don't want to deal with the potential piracy issues. Period.
I posted a comment to point out that the flashy methods of doing something are not always the fastest and most efficient. Not to brag. I didn't start the name calling, etc. The whiners in this thread seem to have the problem. And, that problem boils down to not knowing or not getting something for nothing.
BTW, this thread has confirmed any doubts I had about whether to even consider publishing my work for sale.
David, I have no doubts you've written your own plugin. I don't understand what your point was in bringing it up in this thread, though. Since it isn't available to anyone else, it isn't at all helpful for you to mention it.
What's so "flashy" about the plugin I demonstrated anyway? It is simple, it is quick and it works and anyone can use it.
I don't appreciate being called a "whiner", either. (Talk about name calling
) I've never whined to anyone about a plugin. I'm grateful for all those folks who have written those useful plugins and are willing to share them with other SketchUp users.
@unknownuser said:
"oh, can you add this feature?, then add this other feature?, or can you change this feature just for me?"
Calm down mister...and practice just saying "no"..or maybe just ignore bothersome requests. There may even be a "no.rb" plugin available.
@david. said:
BTW, this thread has confirmed any doubts I had about whether to even consider publishing my work for sale.
Honestly? I'm glad you won't post it. I wouldn't want to support someone (person, company, enterprise, or otherwise) who doesn't believe in philanthropic well being. Truly, I'm sure, somebody here will likely develop the same, or better plugin you only talk about. And I'm sure it will be free.
By mentioning the dovetail plugin you have written & stating it was better than what was available you invited others to be interested. Many people have written plugins and shared them for free in the woodworking community, we respect and thank them for their generosity. Many people like Dave R who responded to you, devote many hours of their time in helping people to advance their Sketchup skills and woodworking. So if you have something to offer, great, but otherwise there seems little point in mentioning your plugin.
To get back on topic...Nice plugin Dave, very nicely conceived. Have you moved away from creating styles and ventured into the domain of writing ruby scripts? Well done.
Peter K