Good TV ads
pretty much says it all... [flash=853,505:opwhp050][/flash:opwhp050]
I saw the old spice one last night and it had me rolling. LOL!
I really like this ad.
A good South African ad.
Since were all in with funny, why don't we get some good ol' heartwarming stuff form Canada eh?
I don't think you can beat the Collins/Rossiter Cinzano ads ..... -
Bit of a cheap laugh but i like it:
[flash=425,344:vk7oc24l][/flash:vk7oc24l] -
Tele 2 internet en phone company, is very cheap
WTF was that?!?
This is priceless:
[flash=425,344:1v79f9a8][/flash:1v79f9a8] -
This one is an oldie but one of my favorites!!!!
And this one... mesmerizing.
yikes [flash=853,505:l64jt84e][/flash:l64jt84e]
Now the world cup soccer is arriving in Holland the TV Commercials are pointing to our competitor from the east side GERMANY. And the germans hate the color orange, because it is standing for our national soccer team. In Holland everything and mostly every person wears something in orange.
In this commercial a paint company painted the dressing room in orange, but it is the dressing room for GERMANY