Sketchup Background
I've using sketchup for a while but I can't put background in my drawing like skies, scenery and etc. using pictures. I tried many times but it wont work. I saw one with backbround and I wonder how he did. Can anybody help me with this?
From the menu bar Windows > Styles > Edit > Watermark (select one of the icon with ok) and find your background picture. Select your viewing options and a background picture will appear.
You will have to play with the backgound picture to get the best effect. I fade, blur, and crop as necessary.
Also, when you are at the styles settings, beside setting your watermark as background as honoluludesktop suggested, make sure to visit the background settings, too, and set a ground colour as well. Make it opaque otherwise your sky will appear on your ground, too.
Hi Gai, forgot about that one