Help Me Draw A Dome [TUTORIAL]
Well, if we add an extra bar 3" above this is what we get. Is this what you want? (Also we will still need some kind of a bottom for the base box but that's easy to add any time)
Hi Gai
@unknownuser said:
Is this what you want?
Yes, that looks perfect and we'll definitely need a bottom for the box.
D0me -
Well then, it is very easy - just Copy-Move (Ctrl + ) that bottom bar up (lock on the blue axis is either the UP or DOWN arrow key). It doesn't even need an image now I guess
I will put some easy things together for that bottom (my version does have that bottom already)
I thought u re building a plane here .
Great lesson Boss!(u couldn t have done that without a diligent student like D0me)
All the best!
Hi Gai
@unknownuser said:
It doesn't even need an image now I guess
Definitely no need for that. You've made me a pro amongst all beginners now.
@ely862me said:
I thought u re building a plane here .
Great lesson Boss!(u couldn t have done that without a diligent student like D0me)
All the best!
I couldn't have done is without a concerned teacher like Gaieus. I've made so many mistakes along the way, but his patience kept me going.
Building a Plane, well that's next, right Gaieus? lol -
Building a plane in SU?
That's a piece of cake!
-,please,teach D0me do do it.
I think he can do it!Elisei
That's for the next semester.
U are very optimistic ... i would say..ahem..year?
Anyway i see him very receptive..he ll manage to learn sketchup sooner..or later .Elisei
That wing modelling is actually not too complicated if you look at it that way. Justin (the guy who does that) doesn't even use plugins too much (but of course, his workflow is very special in many aspects).
The tools he uses there are simply PushPull and Scale.
Hi Gaieus
Currently, Chris is assisting me with further design options on the dome.
He feels that there may be certain flaws in my design and we are currently working and rethinking the design as a whole. I would really like your input as well.Thanks
Hi D0me,
Yes, I have seen those posts. Whenever someone more knowledgeable in actual, practical implementation of such a project (remember, I am not an architect at all) comes up with any good idea how to modify the plan to be absolutely fool proof, we can do that.
I read the hole on top, the bevel ideas and such (and I know where I would start with them just waiting for some final judgement)
Thanks Gaieus
Hi Guys
It seems like such a long time since last posting here.
Actually feels like something is missing from my daily routine.
I trust all are well.I need some assistance.
I need to calculate the surface area and volume of my dome as it stands right now.
The reason for this is I need to know how much of cement I require to build this dome and the only way for me to know this is if I know the surface area of my dome. Also guys, don't forget to take into consideration the opening in my dome.Do you'll by any chance have a formula for this and can you'll assist me with doing the dome size as it is in this thread as an example so when I redo this whole exercise, I can follow the example.
D0me -
Volume calculator by TIG?
I checked an earlier version of your dome - Volume ['by Integration'] ~= 0.227 cu.m [@~1% accuracy]
that's the whole thing - both inner+outer [with entrance]...
You can easily make a copy and group the parts you want - explode all together and then run 'Volume'... -
Hi Pilou
Thanks for pointing out the Volume Calculator. Never new this existed but then again never new Sketchup existed and after finding it, I never new its power until my mentor, Gaieus tutored me.TIG thanks for the calculations.
I am busy downloading the plug-in and hopefully find my way around installing it.@unknownuser said:
Volume ['by Integration'] ~= 0.227 cu.m [@~1% accuracy]
that's the whole thing - both inner+outer [with entrance]...Sorry if some of my questions seem silly but my knowledge on these calculations is really limited to say the least.
I will tell my supplier that the cement I require should be enough to cover an area of 0.227 Cu.m (Cubic Meter's, "Am I right"). Is there any other way I can explain to them the area that needs to be covered as sometimes its surprises that these guys sell products that they know nothing about so the more detail I give them, the better.
What does [@~1% accuracy] mean?
Lastly you mentioned this is the volume of both the inner and the outer incl the entrance. If we look at the file found here the inner dome is shaded in green and the outer dome is shaded in red. The inner dome is 3" and the outer is 4". Is it possible to get the surface are of each piece individually as the 2 domes (Green and Red) are separate material all together.
I have redone it for you - since the shapes weren't 'manifold' I've fixed them...
The figures are incubic meters
- not an area.
You'll probably buy cement [concrete] by volume if it's bagged [you need to buy it in 'steps' anyway - so pick the next size up] - if it's to buy by weight then get an estimate of the equivalent volume from the supplier...
The '1%' accuracy is how accurately you let it calculate - the more accurate it is the longer it takes to do - 1% is the size of a walnut and you'll spill more than that pouring it into the molds
The green/yellow dome is ~0.067 cubic meters, the red one is ~0.159 cu.m and the white entrance 'arch' is ~0.11 cu.m...
[assuming you made it to scale = 1:1 and the parts intersect properly ???]
Learning--Fixed--Latest.skp -
@tig said:
I have redone it for you - since the shapes weren't 'manifold' I've fixed them...
The figures are incubic meters
- not an area.
You'll probably buy cement [concrete] by volume if it's bagged [you need to buy it in 'steps' anyway - so pick the next size up] - if it's to buy by weight then get an estimate of the equivalent volume from the supplier...
The '1%' accuracy is how accurately you let it calculate - the more accurate it is the longer it takes to do - 1% is the size of a walnut and you'll spill more than that pouring it into the molds
The green/yellow dome is ~0.067 cubic meters, the red one is ~0.159 cu.m and the white entrance 'arch' is ~0.11 cu.m...
[assuming you made it to scale = 1:1 and the parts intersect properly ???]
[attachment=1:3cp7me2g]<!-- ia1 -->Learning--Fixed--Latest.skp<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3cp7me2g][attachment=0:3cp7me2g]<!-- ia0 -->Learning--Fixed--Latest.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3cp7me2g]Tig: thanks for working this out. Now I can attempt working out the volume myself and I can use your numbers as my guideline. Once I can accurately find my way around this neat plug-in, I can then confidently do this when I redo my dome in a different size.
With regards to the accuracy, I'm guessing the higher I make this, the more room I allow myself for wastage. This being my first ever such project, I will have to increase this number as I can anticipate wastage due to my inexperience.
As for the model being on a 1:1 scale, I think it is so, as all the dimensions I'm going to use on my real model will be exactly the same as the sketch. Gaieus can confirm this for us though.
Lastly, the arch. The volume of the arch is not the whole arch piece as you have it displayed but rather the protruding part of the arch that sits right at the mouth of the dome which I think is +-2" (Sorry, I'm replying from my mobile so don't remember what thickness this was). I'm sure this can be sorted out quite easily.
Thanks a mil for all the help.
D0me -
DOme, I am beginning to think you are really some kind of maniac.
You refer to cement when you mean concrete. A common mix of concrete is 1:2:4 - one part cement to two of sand to four of aggregate (stones). Refractory cement is rapid hardening which means you will have little time to play with the mix. If the aggregate is not equally refactory it will explode with temperatures over 200c degs or so that your oven will produce. You will be working with materials that you are unfamiliar with on a double curved structure that essentially will need to be built up in layers - like plastering.
Please get hold of some clay from the puddles on construction sites and some sand and make a proper start - otherwise you will be disappointed and out of pocket.