Please can someone help reduce my file size?
I am sorry to bother you again, but I have finished my first 'proper' model and I am quite pleased with it.
HOWEVER, the model file size is huuuge and currently stands at 6MB.
I have tried everything I know of:
- making all faces 'unique texture'
- reducing amount of pixels via; texture > edit textured image, and then re-sizing so there are only 1-2 pixels per cm.
- removing all extraneous lines
- purging
But, it' still hovers around 6MB and does not budge. I'm pulling my hair out here! Can anyone tell me what I'm missing/doing wrong? I'd be eternally grateful.
Thanks, in hope!
P.s. For some reason my .skb files keep saving in increments, eg. 0.skb, 1.skb, 2.skb .... can anyone advise how I can change this?
And what about the file? Is it in the Warehouse already? (You cannot attach 6Mb here).
What I think is that although you made images unique and edited those unique images, you cannot purge the originals because they are applied somewhere (maybe on some back face). Try to find them in the material browser, right click and delete no matter the warning (and of course, double check if something apparent is not deleted from a surface)
Sorry, the file is here:
Any help much appreciated.
File uploaded now - I THINK it should be a fairly simple model in itself, perhaps the problem does indeed come from the photo textures? ....
It is simple - You have a lot of textures.
@jim said:
@leedeetee said:
making all faces 'unique texture'
Hehe, this is the opposite of what you want to do in order to reduce file size.
The window texture is still in there, it has 231kB (unique one 15kB). You made it only unique on the flat surface of the window, not on the rounded border where there is still the large texture.
Have you still the version before you made textures unique? Because making textures unique means you create a texture for only this certain face and the original texture remains on all other faces. If the original texture was used 10 times, that results in 10 new textures, one for each face.
I would recommend go back to the original version, right click in the material browser on the materials and edit in your graphic editor for resizing. Export as collada (.dae) and sort the exported textures after filesize to check which ones you can resize (especially the white door 468kB, and tower 861kB) -
Is most of the filesize due to texture images? Export as a Google Earth .kmz file, change the extension to .zip, extract the files. What is the sum of the texture image's filesizes?
Edit: collada (.dae) is better as it is no zip
The filesize depends on which resolution and image quality you want to keep. Also try to avoid .tif, .bmp and .png (except you need transparency).If you have in your model identical objects that repeat, have you used components?
If you like to upload it ,we could have a look how much can be reduced... -
Oops, sorry - was going to edit that but you replied too fast.
It's going to be hard to go back now and fix those textures....
Well I've got it down to 3.3MB now. Think I'll have to start again with some of these textures ....
Look, if you have say four windows with the same texture, don't make each unique but make one window component (with a unique texture) and repeat that four times. Look at the belfry windows on top - you have 2 on each side and respectively 8 different, unique textures which indeed add to the file size. You could as well re-use the belfry texture at least on three sides. Why do you have separate textures for each roof element? You only need to make unique whatever is indeed unique (i.e. no repetition in the model). Or look at the parapet on the tower roof. There are about a dozen different images in there although the four sides are exactly the same (and as I can see, you started from the same image, too).
So sorry if you misunderstood my "make unique" suggestion - that is not valid for repetitive (or tiling) elements/textures.
Also, when you have a wall with a bunch of doors and windows, first paint the wall, position the texture, make unique (IF there is no other part you could use it), make it projected and thendraw the outlines of openings and PushPull them in a bit. But do not make those unique.
As for texture sizes - they are still about 4 times bigger than needed - and when saving them, you could also go as low as about 70%compression additionally.
Hi all,
A big THANK-YOU for all your help - I have now sorted and have spent the last hour or so sorting out my model and it is now a much more manageable 1.1mb. I have taken on board everything taht has been said and I have learnt lots - future models will be a doddle now! Maybe!
Thanks again Gaieus, I totally understand what you're saying, it makes perfect sense now, I will remember for the future, sorry for misconstruing what you suggested.
Thank you everyone.
All the best,