3D Prototype Print
This site looked interesting. http://www.finelineprototyping.com
I am not sure if it is what you want, since it is not in Norway. -
You might check out Realize 3D. Theya actually have a small advert taken on The Daily CatchUp and offer 'FREE DEMO + 50% OFF'. The link is http://realize3d.com/welcome_catchup.html
Just doing a casual search turned up a lot of options. I didn't realize there were so many choices.
And there is more!
Take a look at another very interesting option: shapeways, a Dutch 3d-printing service, shipping worldwide. http://www.shapeways.comOn their support pages, amongst others, they even have a tut on using SketchUp with Shapeways : http://www.shapeways.com/tutorials/sketchup_3d_printing_export_to_stl_tutorial
About maximum sizes: http://www.shapeways.com/about/material-options
I'll second the Shapeways option,
interesting business model, but tricky to navigate site, they have an API available that needs a guru like yourself to package for us SU minions.I've been looking for a 'water-tightness' ruby that passes there upload criteria, it seems a bit hit and miss at the moment (not just with SU models)
this hard to find page is worth a look