Export issue
I am trying to export a 3d .dxf or .dwg file to use in vectorworks 11 but I get a window that says 'exporting model' then immediately a window that says skp2acad AutoCAD export audit : OK This hangs forever and if I click ok on the export audit window everything stops. Any thoughts?
(Mac os 10.5.8, sketchup 7)
thanks -
if your only having the problem with this file you could try copy and pasting all the geometry in to a new file.
no - I've tried several files and downloaded a new copy of sketchup - same issue.
hi jerrard,
I find skp_to_dxf(dot)rb better then SU export on the mac, I also use tt_cleanup(dot)rb first.
if I still have a problem I export a dae, clean it in Meshlab then save as dxf from there.
SketchUp to DXF STL Converter
Last edited: june 30 2009
Authors: Nathan Bromham, Konrad Shroeder
thank you john, that really helped