Right Click Measurement?
If i used the Tape Measure tool, and wanted to create a measurement of 2.01 meters and I accidentally made it 2.03 meters..
cant I right somewhere to edit the line (type in the value i want with the keyboard) ?/
Or even while the Tape Measure tool is active, and I have clicked my starting point (and i havent clicked the end point as yet) is therer a keyboard shortcut to get to such a window to type in the value/measurement I want??
Here, I'll let you in on a secret...
That box on the bottom right ALWAYS LISTEN TO EVERY KEY STROKE, so if you wanted to type in 2.01, your measurement will come out 2.01.
It also works with other tools too:
The Tape Measure tool is really a multi-function tool with several operating modes. It can be used to measure, scale, and create Guide Lines.
It sounds as if you need to re-size one or more entities; in which case the Scale tool might be the best. (Also a multi-mode tool.)
In general, you would select the entities you want to re-size, select the scale tool, begin to stretch the entities, and finally type the exact length you need (include units.)
Hi Jason, hi folks.
You may also do a right click and choose "Entity info". Type 2.01 instead of 2.03 in the length field. If the field is greyed out, you cannot change it. This will happens if both ends of the line are connected to other geometry.
The fastest way to correct is probably to delete it and redraw it.
If you really want to keep it and change its length, you may scale it. If it is skewed in regard to the axes, the scaling box may not be aligned properly.
In such a case, you can change the axes so the red axis, for example lies in line with the line. Then, it will be easy to move one end to lengthen or shorten it. Reset the axes when done.
Or, instead of playing with the axis, you can add a guide along the line and then move one end of the line along this guide. Delete the guide when done.
Just ideas.
I am not sure I understand the difficulty. However, I drew a rectangle 2' square. I then invoked the tape measure tool and started a measurement at one corner and began a measurement along one side of the rectangle then typed 12"/enter. SU made a guide point at 12" from the starting point. Then I typed 14"/enter and the tape measurement moved the guide at 12" to 14".
I know that users of cad programs must "tab" to the dialog box which I think is what confuses many people. I noted that once a tool is chosen the type of information to be input appears next to the tool bar input box.(measurement, angle,length etc) after an initial selection (point, line, surface etc) the field in the tool bar input box turns white. A white box indicates SU is ready for input. You do not have to select the box, tab to the box, click on the box etc. Just type!
You may change the input as many times as you wish as long as you do not move the tool (or as long as you move the tool back after moving it at which point the dialog box will read 0)