Radeon 3850 issue (glitches)
Hi i just got a radeon 3850 graphics card and i've run into some problems regarding open GL.
When creating cylinders, back face of it is all blue. I'm also having problems selecting faces and objects?
has anyone else had any problems with radeon 3850 ?
I'll later check if this appears in software acceleration mode, post my system specs/soft versions and mayby some pictures. -
Hi Rogal,
The situation is that ATI cards aren't said to be very good with SU (especially with their OpenGL features). In any case, visit the manufacturer's website to check if there is a driver update. You may try to turn hardware acceleration off to see any difference.
I don't know what you mean with the back faces - they are supposed to be blue.
If you have any problem with selection, you may try to check "Correct reversed picking driver bug" provided your problem is related to this (of what you wrote, I cannot really tell).
@gaieus said:
Hi Rogal,
The situation is that ATI cards aren't said to be very good with SU (especially with their OpenGL features). In any case, visit the manufacturer's website to check if there is a driver update. You may try to turn hardware acceleration off to see any difference.
tried that already... maybe new drivers will help. if i only knew that before i got it...
@gaieus said:
I don't know what you mean with the back faces - they are supposed to be blue.
my bad
i mean "the other, invisible while creating, side" of a cylinder
@gaieus said:
If you have any problem with selection, you may try to check "Correct reversed picking driver bug" provided your problem is related to this (of what you wrote, I cannot really tell).
tried that as well
made things even worse
Thank you for a prompt reply
@unknownuser said:
my bad
i mean "the other, invisible while creating, side" of a cylinder
Well that's what I mean, too, the "invisible" (back) faces are blue by default. This is how you make difference between front and back faces (or do I still miss something?(.
Here's what i mean :
a cylinder I just createdand its back side:
oh, and the problem disappears when switching to software rendering
Hi, I've got problems with ATi 3850 too. When i'm working with models with a bit higher poly count i encounter one or few seconds lag, depending of the model complexity. For example: when i want to orbit camera around model, the operatoin will not start right away. It wil pass few sec. and then camera starts to orbit around model. It's same when i want to do any other action on model. I installed latest ATi Catalyst drivers. My config is Athlon64 x2 2.7GHz, 2 gigabytes of ram and Win XP SP2.
I didn't have this problems with my previous ATi 9600xt card. Same sketchup 3dmodels now and then.
well i've been able to change my radeon to 8800gt card, still waiting for it though. After couple of days of research i was unable to find any solution. Also radeon HD 2xxx cards suffer from the same issue.
what people generally say is ditch the radeon series for nvidia based cards and never look back (ATI is a no-no for cad, except for firegl cards). dont know if that is true or not but im not going to loose my nerves using something what is not 100% satysfying my needs.. -
@rogalxxx said:
what people generally say is ditch the radeon series for nvidia based cards and never look back (ATI is a no-no for cad, except for firegl cards).
rogalxxx, as much as I'd hate to admit it (being an ATi fan-boy) you are quite correct in your statement. It is true as far as SketchUp is concerned anyway.
got in the same trouble with HD 3850 (512mb), lags - that worries me at most. I'm thinking to go back to my old 5200 FX (128mb) - it had problems with hi-poly structures by was quick. No new drivers helps, unfortunately...
Hi Guys, better late than never, just found an nfo, and installed the |HD 3850 as Fire GL V7700 and SketchUp, ArchiCAD 3d works much better than on original drivers, the photoshop cs4 as well.
@lukasz said:
Hi Guys, better late than never, just found an nfo, and installed the |HD 3850 as Fire GL V7700 and SketchUp, ArchiCAD 3d works much better than on original drivers, the photoshop cs4 as well.
how you do that??
i've an ati radeon mobile 4670... could do it?? -
Check out this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATI_FireGL
There is a table of ati g. cards that can be softmoded, unfortunately 4670 isn't on the list but 4870 is. I would try to install 4870 it might work. -
I'm currently having similar problems after I updated the graphics driver on my laptop: ati radeon xpress series. Whenever I select a face, it is completely blue, instead of blue dots. this does not occur when I turn hardware rendering off.
The same problem and worse happens to a class I was teaching with nvidia cards in their laptops! They were also having trouble selecting faces when they were at an angle to the viewport.